Good morning Class Four,
Hope you all had a good day yesterday, enjoyed your learning and were able to go outside and do some nice things too.
I had a lovely day, but my legs are soooo tired this morning and the cycle in was hard work! I cycled to school and back yesterday, but went the longer way home so I could do half my cycle with Mrs Bird and have some company. Then I cycled over to Chandlers Ford, did my kickboxing class and cycled back. My poor legs cycled 20 miles yesterday plus PE with Joe and kickboxing!!! It's going to be a slow cycle home later!
Have a great day, love Miss Olver x
It’s Tuesday today, which means Times Tables test day! All of the times tables tests and grids are available on the Maths Help section on the Class Four website. Go on there and find the one you need to work through today. Give yourself 5 minutes to complete the test. All the answers are also in the Maths Help section so you can mark it yourself once you are finished.
Year 5
Today you are going to be working on shapes. Go to the White Rose Home Learning Year 5 website and choose Week 11, Lesson 1 which is called 'Regular and Irregular Polygons'. Watch the video, work through the worksheet and then check your answers. Some of the questions ask you to measure the angles. I know that lots of you won't have protractors at home, so don't worry if you can't do that part, hopefully you will have a ruler though and will be able to measure the sides! I've attached my workings for Q6 in case you want to see how I solved it.
Year 6
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on the four operations, focusing on multiplication. The lesson today is called 'Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number'. Click the link below to watch the video, work through the worksheet and then check your answers. I've attached my explanation for Q1 in case you want to have a look. On Q8, if there is someone you can work with then great, if not, you can imagine you have a partner and use two different colours to represent each turn!
Today I would like you to write your life cycle explanation text. Use your plan from yesterday to help you with this, in particular it should help you to structure your paragraphs.
Think about where you want to put your diagram of the life cycle on your page as well.
Remember that an explanation text:
You can choose if you write your text by hand in your book or if you write it on a computer.
First of all - watch this amazing video! I was talking to Mrs Mason this morning about how we were learning about insect life cycles and she told me to watch this video showing the life cycles of a butterfly. I've never seen a video of this close up, it's fascinating. Particularly how they shed their skin and how they come out of the cocoon!
This week we are going to be thinking about habitats focusing on minibeasts. Start by looking at the Powerpoint below. It has lots of really interesting facts about different minibeasts and shares information about their habitats.
Then I would like you to go out into your garden on a minibeast hunt. When you are out there have a think about:
If you are able to, take photos of any minibeasts you find.
Tomorrow you are going to be doing some follow up work based on your minibeast hunt.
Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spellings at some point today ready for your test on Friday and do some independent reading of your choice.