Good morning Class 2!
Happy Friday! As I work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and next Wednesday is an INSET day this is my last day with you all until September. For some of you this is my last day as your teacher. It's a shame I've not seen you all since I have come back but I really enjoy reading your emails and seeing your lovely work and we will see each other again in September when I'm out on the playground so please come and chat to me and let me know how you're getting on in Class 3. Year 1 I'm really looking forward to getting to know you more next year!
Have a great last few days of term and have a wonderful summer holiday. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in September.
Love Mrs Pilgrim x
Morning Job
Dear Class 2,
Today you all need to see how many words you can make from the words given on the morning job sheet. Mrs Pilgrim and I will have a go as well. Lets see if you can beat us and get the most words. Remember you can only use each letter once.
There are no spellings this week as you will be on your summer holidays next week but if you'd like to do some spelling practice today why don't you ask an adult to test you on some of your common exception words. Please see the Year 1 and Year 2 lists below.
Year 1:
We are going to solve some addition and subtraction word problems today. There are two different levels to choose from. The Safari Problems are addition and subtraction word problems within 20. If you want more of a challenge, try the Addition and Subtraction 2-Step Challenge Cards. They are quite tricky!
For all of the problems, you will need to read each question carefully and decide if you need to do an addition or subtraction. Remember to write out the number sentence. Which strategy will you use? Do you need to use some apparatus? Will you draw some pictures? Will you use a number line to help you count on or back?
Today we are going to solve some two-step addition and subtraction word problems. It is really important that you read each question carefully. It might be helpful for you to underline or highlight the important information.
First, you will need to work out if the problem requires you to add or subtract. Then try and write down the number sentence you need to solve the problem.
The next step is to decide which strategy to use. Will you draw an empty number line? Will you draw pictures? Will you partition into tens and ones?
Remember to show your workings for each problem!