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Wednesday 20th May


Start by doing the board calculations. Mark your work when you have finished.

The answer I missed for 920 ÷ 8 = 115 

Year 3

Can I identify right angles as a quarter turn?


Complete the quiz and watch the video . Do the activities on the slides. If you finish and would like to do them, there are extra questions saved below.


Year 4

Can I convert units of length   m and cm  ?

Complete the quiz, watch the video and do the tasks for this lesson. As in yesterday's lesson, you will need to think about the work you have done recently on decimals. You could look back in your book, if you are finding this difficult.


When you have finished there is an extra task if you would like to do this.


Can I retell the Ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris?


Start by watching this animation which is one version of the myth of Osiris


Next read a different version of the myth saved in the document below.


When you have done this, I would like you to try to retell the main events of the story. You do not need to write anything down unless it is helpful. You could cut out some of the images in this document and the one from yesterday to make a simple puppet show of the story, or perhaps you could Facetime a friend and take turns to retell parts of the story together.



Spelling task

Can I spell words ending in the suffix   tion,  sion , cian  ?


Write the correct suffix for the root words in the task below.


There are recipes below for Egyptian pitta bread and hummus. You can make both or just one of these. Enjoy!

Spellings / Times tables

If you have time after your cooking, or if you are unable to do this activity, please practise your spelling sentences and your times tables.
