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Wednesday 1st April

Good morning Class Four.

Pinch, punch, first of the month - no returns!! It's April Fools Day today, I wonder if you will play any (little and fun) pranks?!
I had a busy day yesterday sorting out things in my house again. As you may know, my Grandad passed away a few years ago and now my Gran has really bad Alzheimers, so she moved into a nursing home about a month ago. My Dad and my Uncles have been clearing out their house ready to sell it, and when Dad came up to visit two weeks ago, he brought me a few bags of things from there. My Grandad used to be a headteacher of a primary school, so there were lots of useful resources for school. He also used to play the piano so there was lots of new music for me to learn. There were also some other bits and pieces, like the game 'Boggle' as I always used to play it with them and some books about Dartmoor as we always went walking there as a child. It was a bit emotional sorting through it all as I really miss them, but also brought back lots of lovely memories of the times I spent with them.

I wonder how your home learning went yesterday? I hope you enjoyed the silent writing task and your baking - I've already had some photos of some tasty looking items. I will create a new gallery with them in so you can all see.

Have a great day today, work hard and make sure you get some rest in between each lesson.

Love Miss Olver x


Here is a message from Mrs Soley:

Morning all,

Had a busy day yesterday. Decided to catch up on some decorating so spent the morning glossing skirting boards in my kitchen. After lunch, I felt inspired by your baking to make a cherry traybake which was very tasty. Thanks to Mrs Mason for  buying me the recipe book. As you can see, we enjoyed a slice after our dinner. Yum. Mr Soley is loving the fact that we cannot share it with anyone - honestly!

I hope you are enjoying the bedtime story, 5 of you have signed up so far to the daily email, it seems to be working ok now. Tomorrow will involve more glossing, a door this time but I am also going to try a new bread recipe using only plain flour. I'll let you know how it goes.

My other photo is, of course, Jacob. He decided it would be a good idea to put a whole crumpet in his mouth. Don't try this at home! We are managing to keep in touch with photos (like this one) from Hannah and video calls. Our son is still away in a student house in Portsmouth all on his own as the others have gone home to their families. We are planning to speak to him tomorrow.

Have a good day and enjoy your learning. Bye for now. Lots of love, Mrs Soley x

And also - a bonus surprise message from someone special for you smiley

A Special Message

Today's Learning

As always I will be starting my day with PE with Joe. I really enjoyed yesterday's session, it was so much fun having some music on in the background. It is lovely to see some celebrities helping out as well, George Ezra, Dua Lipa and Ed Sheeran all let Joe play their music for free even though it was broadcast to thousands of viewers. Great to see everyone being so kind smiley


Today is Wednesday, which means that you will be doing your Beat That challenge. Last week you should have done the first one in your learning pack, today do the second one. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Then, it there is an adult fee, you could ask them if they would mind kindly marking it for you, if not, you could mark it yourself with a calculator.


Today you will be continuing to learn about converting between fractions and decimals, but today looking at mixed numbers/number which are bigger than 1. Go to the website and choose 'Home Learning', 'Year 5', 'Week 1', 'Lesson 3'.

The lesson follows the same set up as Monday and Tuesday. Watch the video, work through the worksheet questions when it says to do so and then check your answers at the end. Remember:

  • Don't worry if you don't have a printer, just record your answers in your Maths book.
  • If you are finding it tricky, you can rewatch the video to remind you, or have a look at the Maths Help resources.


Challenge: On Question 8 on the worksheet - this is a 'how many possibilities' question. See if you can think of a systematic way to work out the different possibilities rather than just guessing. Then you will be able to check if you have them all! Clue - there are 6 possibilities if I use each digit once.

If you have time, or want to work a bit more on decimal numbers, then you could look at the challenge sheet below. There are three different 'how many ways?' style activities. Pick one to work on and see if you can get all the way through to Level 3. 


Remember to make an entry into your diary/journal at some point today.

Today you have time to finish writing your silent writing task. Once you have finished, spend some time reading through, checking, editing and improving your work. You could:

  • Check spellings - remember there are dictionaries online you can use or you can ask Siri and it can spell words for you!
  • Check punctuation - have you got a capital letter and full stop in every sentence. Have you got a comma if you used a list, started with a fronted adverbial or started your sentence with a subordinate clause (If, when, because, as).
  • Are there any words you are not happy with and that you could improve with a thesaurus? There are thesauruses available online you can use.
  • If you possibly can, ask someone to listen to you read your work out loud. You will be able to spot your own mistakes then, but the listener can also tell you if anything doesn't make sense or could be improved further.


As it is Wednesday, Mrs Kimble has also sent me some SPAG stretcher challenges for you to have a go at if you would like. Anyone can have a go at these, but you don't have too! If you do have a go, she has asked if you could send me some of the sentences you write which I will then forward onto her so she can see your learning too.


Last week you read the Easter story for your RE task, so hopefully you are feeling more familiar with the story now (I have also attached it below in case you want to look back through it again). Today I would like you to work through the sheet below. You need to decide how much you feel each person/group of people are responsible for Jesus’ death. Show this by shading in the circle in sections. If you think one person/group are more responsible, then shade in a larger section. Then in the boxes around the outside, explain why you feel this way. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers for this task, it is about how you feel about the situation.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer at home. Just draw a circle in your book and shade in. Then underneath, or around it, you can explain why you feel this way.

Spellings and Reading

Make sure you practise your spelling sentence ready for your test on Friday and do some independent reading of a book of your choice.
