Good Morning Class 2!
I hope you had a lovely weekend? We had a BBQ on Saturday. It was so windy that our salad blew off our plates! We still had fun even though the weather wasn’t very nice. I hope you still managed to get outside for some exercise!
Love Mrs Sothcott x
Good morning Class 2.
I just wanted to share something I saw on my blustery walk yesterday with Max. We walked around Romsey and Max got very tired so he sat down to have a rest at the side of the road. When he did, I noticed that a kind person had made a ‘hedgehog highway’ from the road into their garden to help keep the hedgehogs safe. I thought this was a super idea. What do you think?
love Mrs Miller x
Morning Job
This week there will be a seperate morning job for Year 1 and Year 2. We hope you enjoy it.
You will be writing a factfile about Lowry. You need to use your planning sheet, the word bank and the fact pages.
Use the fact file layout examples to help you decide how your fact file will be organised. What subheadings will you use? Will you include a picture?
Use your researched facts to create your own fact file.
This week you are going to learn about money. Today, I would like you to spend some time playing with some money at home.
Gather lots of coins and notes and look carefully at them. What different shapes are the coins? Look at the colours. Can you sort the coins into groups? Which coins belong together? How much is each coin worth? Does it tell you on the coin?
Now play shops. Gather some things to sell in your shop. It could be food packets, toys, books, anything you like! Write some price labels to show how much each item costs. Take turns at being the shop keeper and customer, buying different items and paying with the correct coins. You might find it easier to only use 1p and 2p coins to start with.
Last week you learnt how to understand and use tally charts and pictograms. We are going to carry on learning to interpret pictograms today and then move onto block diagrams tomorrow.
We are making a Lowry city collage over the next few weeks. Last week you painted the background. Today we are going to draw some buildings, next week we will paint people and then finally we will put it all together to create our city collage.
Today you will need a long strip of white paper, a pencil and a black marker or felt tip. If you painted your background on A4 paper, you will need a strip of A4 paper folded in half landscape (lengthways). Your buildings are going to make up the middle ground of your collage.