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Autumn 2 2023

Spelling sentences 3.11.23  Test 10.11.23

Focus long a phoneme     ai    eigh    a-e   a  ay  aigh

Drain the apricots and put eight on the plate.

I’ll estimate the weight of the beige cake.

Let’s go straight away to play with our neighbour’s sleigh again.

Spelling sentences 10.11.23 Test 17.11.23

Focus Long a homophones

They ate the eight great bakes made by the maid sat by the grate.

I knew she would break the brake on her new bicycle.

After a long wait, we gave a wail when they said the whale’s weight.


Spelling sentences 17.11.23      Test 24.11.23

Long e homophones

After going to see the sea, I felt weak for a week.

I’ve been to meet the chef who cooked the meat and bean feast.

Our dear friend saw a deer under the beech tree near the beach.

Spelling sentences 24.11.23 Test 1.12.23

Focus homophones: there their they’re    long i phoneme

I want to hire their two cars but the price there is too much higher.

They’re standing there holding on tight to their new kites.

Last night, the knight missed the castle gate because he got lost in the mist.

Spelling sentences 1.12.23 Test 8.12.23

Focus homophones

You’re getting your new scarf to wear but where will you put it?

When you hear our time slot, please come here within the hour.

I don’t know whether to take my coat as there was no rain on the weather forecast.
