Good morning Class 1
Mrs Miller here! I hope you have had a lovely weekend, even if the weather was a little bit blustery and wet. I went out walking with my dog Max and spotted something very special. We saw a hedgehog highway that someone had made from the road into their garden. It had a little ramp and a hole in the fence to keep the hedgehogs safe. We thought this was a super idea. What do you think?
Have a good day x
Letters and Sounds
Practise your sounds using your sound cards.
Then have a go at reading your tricky words. Can you read all of the phase 2 words now? If not, practise those. If you can read the Phase 2 words, practise the Phase 3 words and if you can read those, practise the Phase 4 words. With the tricky words, we are aiming to read these by sight without sounding out, just like we do when we read our names. Use the Tricky Trucks to practise with.
Practise writing letters l and i. They are both similar in that they both start at the top and go down in straight line. Can you see that the letter l is much taller than the i? As you write l, you can say "down the long leg" and as you write i, you can say "down the body, dot for the head" to help you. Make sure that your letters are straight lines and do not bend, and see if you can make the bottom of each letter sit on the line. You can print out page 6 of the handwriting family sheets below. If you don't have a printer, just practise writing on paper or in your writing book.
The letter l is often easy to miss out when it is the second letter in a word, such as in clip or slip. Download the attached pictures and the consonant blends. Then cut out the pictures, muddle them up, choose a picture and say the word. What are the first two sounds that you say? Find those two sounds from the consonant blends and stick them on the correct picture. If you don't have a printer, your adult could write out the six different blends and you could point to the correct blend and practise writing that blend for each word.
This week we are going to make our own minibeast brain teaser which you can test out on a family member at the end of the week and also send over to me at the end of the week to see if I can work out what it is. So choose a minibeast - it can be one we have learnt about or one you want to find out about. At the top of your piece of paper, write "What am I?". Then draw a picture of your minibeast and colour it in. Under your picture write "I am a ......" Remember to leave finger spaces between your words and to sound out each word. Then you need to make a flap to cover your minibeast and the writing that says what is. On the flap, draw a picture of where your minibeast likes to live. Each day during the week, we will write a clue to help identify the mini beast - have fun.
If you want to practise phonics with a teacher, click on a link below.
Number Time
Watch Oak Academy Monday maths video. You'll really enjoy this lesson today. It's all about filling up different containers with water and matching them to pictures. Don't get too wet!
This week's book we will be using for our maths work is called Oliver's Vegetables. Click on the link below to hear the story.
Now have a go at the day 1 activities. See what patterns you can make with vegetables or colours.
Real Life Super Heroes
Over the last few months during lockdown, there have been many people who have become real life super heroes who have undertaken jobs that have kept us all safe and allowed life to carry on at home. Watch the video below to learn about some of them and see what the teacher does to say thank you to one of these super heroes. I wonder if you can think of any other real life super heroes that she doesn't mention - there are so many and they are everywhere - you all live with at least one!