Good morning Class Four,
I hope you are all well and having a good week.
I'm sure some of you are starting to feel a bit tired and ready for the end of term. Particularly those of you at home - I know how hard it is to stay motivated with the home learning. But the exciting news is, two weeks from today it will be the Summer holidays and you can have a nice, well-deserved break from your learning! So try and stay focused and keep working hard for now - you have 10 days of home learning left including today, you can do this!
Yesterday, all the staff had prepared a surprise for me. I went out to do PE with Joe like I do every morning. The whole school does it at the same time - all spread out in our separate bubble zones and distanced. I stand at the front with a laptop so I can see what Joe has planned and then coach everyone through it. A couple minutes into the workout, I realised that all the staff were wearing matching t-shirts. When I looked more closely, I realised they said 'Personal Trainer: PE with Miss Olver' on them! Then Mrs Soley presented me with my own one and matching hat! It was really sweet of them and such a lovely surprise! Perhaps I will have to retrain as a personal trainer?!...
Last night was kickboxing again so that was good fun, but my body is a bit tired and achy this morning, and seeing as there is some rain forecast, I did cheat and drive in today!
Have a great day, keep working hard, you're nearly there! Love Miss Olver x
Today is Wednesday, which means Beat That challenges. If you still have one left, work through this. If you have run out, send me an email telling me which one you need and I will email it to you. Give yourself two minutes to complete the challenge. Then, if an adult is free, you could ask them to kindly mark it for you, or you could mark it yourself using a calculator.
Year 5
Today you will be carrying on with your shape work from yesterday, but moving onto 3D shapes. Go to the White Rose Home Learning Year 5 website, choose Week 11, Lesson 2 which is called 'Reasoning about 3D shapes'. Watch the video, work through the worksheets and then check your answers.
Year 6
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on the four operations, focusing on division. This lesson is called 'Short Division'. Click on the link below to watch the video, work through the worksheet and then check your answers. I have attached my workings for Q5 and 6 in case you want to have a look at how I worked them out.
Today I would like you to finish, check, edit and improve your explanation text.
You might want to use the checklist below to help you check that you have everything you need in your explanation text and have written it in the correct style for this text type.
Remember that reading your writing aloud is a really good way to spot any mistakes you may have made.
As it is Wednesday, Mrs Kimble has set you another SPAG challenge. Read through her help sheet first and then have a go at the activity. Remember to send me your work and I will forward it onto her and she can send you some feedback about it.
Here is a message from her:
Hello Class 4,
I can’t believe it’s almost the end of term. Only just over a week to go and you can all have a well- deserved rest from school and home learning. Let’s hope there will be some lovely weather so we can all get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Thank you to everyone who took up the Comma SPAG Challenge. There were some very good pieces of work, showing people have really “got” how commas should be used to help the reader understand what you have written. Punctuating Direct Speech was the next SPAG Challenge you suggested. It seems very complicated and my HELP! Sheet seems very long but it won’t so difficult when you have a go at applying my suggestions to the two stretches. I hope lots of you will send me your efforts.
I hope you don’t mind me carrying on my food theme for just one more photograph. Last week we ate our first meal this year when all the vegetables came from our garden. (We didn’t catch the fish, though!). We had another one tonight, this time with courgettes, spinach and potatoes. We’re just waiting for the climbing beans and runner beans now.
I had a very strange day, today. I had an appointment at Winchester hospital in the Eye Department – just a regular routine one in Outpatients. Because Mr. Kimble and I are both quite old, we haven’t been out very much, even since lockdown eased a little and certainly haven’t been in any other building but our own house. I was feeling very nervous all day and wondering how safe it would be and whether the Consultant would be able to do the eye tests if he was wearing full PPE. However, I needn’t have worried! It was all very well organised with lots of hand sanitiser everywhere and good, clear signs to tell people where to stand and where to sit. The consultant was able to carry out the tests but further away from me than usual as he wasn’t wearing a visor. The worst thing of all was the amount my glasses steamed up when I was wearing them over my face mask. It gave me a good excuse for not doing very well in the vision test! I wore disposable rubber gloves, too, for holding the hand rail to go up the stairs. I need to do that because of my arthritic knees. There were very few people around but those who were there were so kind and helpful. I felt very relieved and my eyes are fine, too! So, a good afternoon and I won’t be so worried next time.
I hope to see lots of Direct Speech Challenge sheets to look at over the weekend. I hope you all enjoy the rest of this week and have a good weekend.
Love from,
Mrs Kimble
Today I would like you to do some work based on yesterday's minibeast hunt.
I would like you to share your findings - you can share the photos you took and what you learnt about where the minibeasts live, why you think they live there and how they have adapted to survive there. You can choose how you do this.
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Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spellings at some point today ready for your test on Friday and do some independent reading of your choice.