Monday 23rd March
Good morning everyone!
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I cannot believe how great the weather has been and it is meant to carry on again this week. I spent most of the afternoon in the garden, I phoned my Mum and my sister - it was so lovely to catch up with them, mowed the lawn, played with Flash, cuddled Fred and had an ice cream for a treat!
I hope you are all excited and ready for today's learning? Remember to find somewhere quiet where you can focus to do each session and to have a nice, long break, a drink and a snack in between. Try to go outside during your break and make the most of the sunshine. I'm up bright and early. Going to have my breakfast, walk Flash and then I'll be ready for Jo Wicks PE at 9! If you go onto the sports home learning page, then Sports Dave has set you (and all the staff) a sports challenge for the week too. I think we could have some tight tummy muscles by the end of the week
Have a great day, Love Miss Olver x
Hi Class Four,
Here are some instructions for today's learning.
I will be starting my day by taking part in Joe Wick's 30 minute PE lesson which he is doing online everyday this week at 9am. Perhaps you could join in too? I think lots of the other teachers will be joining in with their children!
You can choose which order you work through today's tasks, but you might want to do them in the same order we normally do them in at school.
Today is an opportunity for you to revise numbers and rounding.
Start by putting the date (23.03.20) and the title 'I can round numbers'.
First look at the white sheet and decide if section B or C is right for you. This is a warm up to practice reading and writing numbers. On Q1 you need to write the number in digits, on Q2 you need to write the number in words.
Then work through the rounding word problems sheet. When you finish, mark your work using the answers. If you are finding it difficult to remember how to round, then look at the Maths help section on the main Class Four page.
If you finish and have time to do some extra, then work through the pink 'mind workout' sheet. This is a tricky challenge, so don't worry if you find it difficult! Again, there are answers so you can check.
Each day I would like you to make an entry into your diary/journal. It doesn't matter which time in the day you write it. You might want to write it at the start of the English session, or you might prefer to write at the start of the day about what you did the day before, or at the end of the day to share what you have done that day. It's your diary/journal, so do what's right for you.
In today's session, I would like you to plan your silent writing task ready to write tomorrow. I would like you to write a fact page about a musical instrument of your choice. Within your fact page, you will need to explain:
You might also want to find out some additional information about the instrument, for example, what it's made of, where it originates from, how they are made, any famous musicians who play this instrument.
Remember - your completed silent writing is the piece of work I would like you to send to me on Friday.
Put today's date (23.03.20) and the title 'I can think about how others might be feeling' in your lined paper book.
Look at the four perspectives sheet which has four different scenarios on it (A, B, C or D). Choose one that you would like to focus on. Cut it out and stick it in your book. Write your responses to the different questions, thinking carefully about how the characters might be feeling.
Imagine you are one of the characters in the scenario. Create a freeze frame (where you stay completely still acting in character) and ask someone to take a photo of you. Don't worry if you aren't able to print your photo. In your book, explain what you are doing in your freeze frame and why. What emotions are you trying to show?
Spellings and Reading
Practice your spelling sentences and spend some time reading a book of your choice.
Story Time
As we know you love listening to stories so much, Mrs Soley has recorded herself reading Chapter One of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling. You could listen to this during the day or have it as your bedtime story. I'll be listening to it each day too so I know which bit of the story you are up to!
We had quite a lot of trouble finding a way to get the recording to you via the website. We couldn't attach it as an audio file as it wouldn't work and it was too large a file to attach as a video. The only way we could get it to work was using Dropbox. This means you might have to ask your parents to help you create a Dropbox login or download the App. Remember to check that this is ok with your parents first.
Happy story time listening