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Friday 26th February

Good morning Class 2!


Good morning Class 2!


It was lovely to see some of you for our story yesterday afternoon. I hope you enjoyed doing some French and revisiting our Jack and the Beanstalk songs! We really enjoyed doing them here, especially Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!


Have a lovely Friday. See you at 1:30 for Celebration Worship!


Love Mrs Pilgrim x

Google Classroom Timetable


Here is the Google Classroom Timetable for next week. Please check this carefully and make a note of when your sessions are:



Year 1:


Today I would like you to use all that you have learnt about telling the time to help you play some games on your computer or tablet. Click on the links below and remember to select o'clock and half past times and analogue rather than digital times.

In Karate Cats Maths choose measurement. There are a couple of questions on time.
In the Hickory Dickory Clock game there will also be some quarter past and quarter to times which we have not learnt but you should be able to do the o'clock and half past times.

Year 2:


Now that you have spent some time learning about durations of time I would like us to learn about comparing durations of time. By this I mean saying which amount of time is longer or shorter. For example if a chocolate cake takes 15 minutes to bake and a lemon drizzle cake takes 25 minutes to bake, which cake takes the longest to bake? That's right, the lemon drizzle cake takes the longest because 25 minutes is longer than 15 minutes. I have made a video which I hope will teach you more and will help you to answer your worksheet. This is quite tricky so just do your best. 



Year 2 comparing durations of time

PE 11:00 - 11:30 am


We've got two more weeks of our fun PE sessions on Zoom. The link should be in Parent Mail as usual. Hopefully see some of you there!

Reading Comprehension


I would like you to have a go at another reading comprehension today. As always, there are four different levels for you to choose from. If you are in Year 1, try and read the text by yourself but ask a grown up to help you read the questions. Year 2s, you should try and complete the whole paper independently. If you did Red last week, try yellow A this week. If you did Orange last week, try Turquoise A today. Remember to read each question very carefully!

Celebration Worship 1:30 pm


See you on Google Classroom at 1:30 pm for our Celebration Worship. Go to the Whole Class Assembly part of Google Classroom. Remember to join with your microphones switched off.


I would like you to spend at least 15 minutes reading a book of your choice. You could read a book from home or log onto Bug Club and read a book on there.  To log in, your user name is your first name initial followed by your surname e.g. jsothcott. Your password is class2 and the school code is h9m6. If you need some more books on your bug club account then please do let us know.



Today you are allowed to play some games on Phonics Play. Click on the link to the website below. You will need to log in with the following details. Username: jan21 Password: home

You can choose which game you want to play and which phase.

Year 1:

You all know phase 2 letter sounds and phase 3 digraphs. Phase 4 is adjacent consonants and consonant clusters. We are on Phase 5 at the moment and we have learnt lots of the sounds. Go for Phase 5 if you want more of a challenge!

Year 2:

You should choose Phase 5 or challenge yourself with Phase 6.

Spelling Sentences


Here are your spelling sentences to learn for next week.

Mighty Writing

Here is your Mighty Writing for you to have a look at over the weekend ready for our writing lesson on Monday:

Story time with Mrs Pilgrim


Today Mrs Pilgrim is reading 'The Owl who was afraid of the dark' by Jill Tomlinson. Snuggle up somewhere warm and cosy and watch the story.

Story time with Mrs Pilgrim

Cooking with Miss Newton

Dear Everyone,

Firstly I am sorry that I have been unable to make my own Jam tarts this week. I have had a family emergency to sort out that has kept me very busy.

I have added a video for you to follow and you can find the recipe here

I hope you have fun making them and I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Love From 

Miss Newton

How To Make Easy Jam Tarts

I hope this helps!! Please like and subscribe ☺️
