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Upham Church of England Aided Primary School

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Links With The Church

Upham CE (A) Primary School is a Church of England School in the Diocese of Portsmouth. We have many links with the Diocese of Portsmouth and benefit from the guidance and support of the education team as well as The Bishop of Portsmouth.

The school is located within the parish of Upham which is joined in a benefice with St Peters Bishops Waltham. We have strong links with the village church in Upham, The Church of the Blessed Mary. We actively promote key services as well as visit the church at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and for the occasion of our Year 6 children leaving where we invite families to join us for these important celebrations. We also regularly visit the church to help support learning in RE land local history, or to help in some way, such as the planting of daffodils in the church yard with Revd. Jane:

Staff from both Blessed Mary and St. Peter’s church also come into school for a variety of reasons. Revd, James as one of our governors, regularly attends meetings in school. Revd. James and Revd. Jane both come into school to lead worships with the staff and children, and are joined by Kate Smyth, Families Children and Youth worker for Blessed Mary.


As a result of the close links we have, there are many aspects of community life as well as worship that we have developed together. Examples of our work include:


  • Key messages from worships lead by Revds. Reinforced through school newsletter e.g. Choc coins at Epiphany.
  • Prayers written by children passed onto Rev Jane for potential incorporation into weekend/family services - Harvest, Christmas, Easter & other significant times.
  • Key Worships and village events e.g. church fete promoted through Newsletters
  • School Banner taken to church for our services and used in church for village services
  • Distribution of materials used within church worship to school e.g. Lent cards, provided by Revd.
  • Links made between school worship to church worship on Sunday to themes e.g. Lent
  • HT participating in village worship at Blessed Mary e.g. Readings at Carol Service.
  • Pattern of children singing solos/choir in church at school events and continuing this by joining Blessed Mary Choir.
  • Promotion of children involvement in Sunday Family services through singing.
  • Learning from school worship used in some Sunday services/family services e.g. at Christmas children sang their favourite hymn ‘Stone Cold Church’ from our service, to the adults.
  • Art work created to decorate church entrance (part of flower rota) – Harvest, Christmas & Easter, incorporate biblical teaching related to school worship theme
  • Attendance (dancing) at Church Fete
  • Harvest cards and thoughts distributed around village following service. Revd Jane directs so residents who would benefit from some contact with children receive visits
  • Christmas cards made by children sent to residents of care home
  • Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal – collect and encourage participation in church collection
  • Harvest support for Winchester Churches Nightshelter and Local Food Bank
  • Christian Aid Week

