Year 1
Yesterday we did some ordering numbers from smallest to greatest. How did you get on? We are going to keep practising that today. Click on the Power Point below and go through the slides:
Now have a go at the worksheet below. I would like you to have a go at page 1 and 2. If you are feeling very confident, you can have a go at the question on sheet 3!
Year 2
Yesterday, we were comparing 2-digit numbers using the symbols < and >. You may also have used the equal symbol =
How did you get on? If you feel like you need a bit more practice comparing numbers using symbols, have a go at the activity below:
If you feel very confident comparing numbers, have a go at the activity cards below. There are three different cards to try and they get increasingly challenging! When you have finished you can use the answer sheet to check your answers.
Today in English we are going to start our story maps which will help us tell the story of The Enormous Turnip. We are going to focus on the beginning of the story (up to and including slide 7 on the PowerPoint where the turnip gets enormous). You will need a big piece of paper and you will draw a back to front S on your paper. You will draw pictures which help you remember the beginning of the story and add labels to help you more. Labels are words or useful phrases which describe a picture or add detail, such as 'once upon a time', 'seeds', 'grew' and 'enormous'. Have a look at mine below to help you. The PowerPoint is below too.
Year 1
Click on the link below and practice saying your sounds:
Today we are practising the 'zz' digraph like in the word 'buzz'. Click on the Power Point below to practice reading some real and alien 'zz' words:
Now have a go at this Read and Roll game:
Year 2
Today we are going to practice writing in sentences.
What is a sentence?
A sentence is complete and makes sense by itself. It should also have a capital letter and a full stop.
Practice making some sentences with the Power Point below:
Now have a go at the worksheet below:
For the last few weeks we have been learning all about our body parts in our Science lessons. I thought it would be nice to learn how to say some of these body parts in French so have a go at the two French songs below! If you want to you could always ask someone to video you singing along so I can see what you have learnt!
For this lesson you will need a selection of fruit and vegetables. Use your senses to explore them.
What do they look like? Are they colourful? Are they green? Are they long? Are they round?
What do they feel like? Are they smooth? Are they bumpy? Are they knobbly? Are they spiky?
What do they smell like? Do they smell sweet? Do they smell strange? Do they smell fresh?
Now I would like you to sort your selection of fruit and vegetables and set them up as a market stall. Make some signs for your choices, such as 'Bumpy fruit here', 'Smooth vegetables here'. Take some photos of your market stall to email to me.
Were there any fruit and vegetables that could have gone in more than one group? Which ones?
The last thing I'd like you to do if you would like to is to taste some of the things at your market stall. How would you describe them? Which ones did you like? Were there any you didn't like?