Good morning Class 3
I hope you all had a good weekend. It's a bit grey and cloudy this morning, I hope it gets a bit sunnier later.
Thank you very much to so many of you who sent me your fantastic River Nile fact pages. I really am so impressed with the effort that you are putting into your home learning. Also a big thank you to your parents who are doing such a good job of helping you at home. I hope you have all taken a look in the Summer Term gallery. There are examples of lots of the lovely work you have been doing. I know you are all taking so much care with your presentation too. I am very proud of you.
On Saturday evening, I was a bit surprised that Bosun wasn't in the lounge with us as usual. On Sunday morning, when he didn't come onto my bed for his morning cuddle, I knew something was wrong. Once I had looked on Elliot and Megan's beds and not found him, I was worried!
However, to my relief, when I called his name outside, I could hear a muffled meowing. I looked in the garage first, no luck, then discovered him shut in the old playhouse in my garden. He looked most annoyed when I opened the door and found him!!! But I think he soon felt relieved to be out!!
Here is a picture of him enjoying the fire yesterday evening.
Our theme for our topic work this week is mummies. Some of the process of mummification is a little bit gory so I hope you are not too squeamish Class 3. Have a good day!
Love from Mrs Bird x
Message from Mrs Lambert
Hi Class 3 🙋♀️
I hope you had a good weekend. My family and I went on a lovely long dog walk in Upham on Saturday - the dogs were very tired after and spent the rest of the day sleeping. On Sunday my church did a zoom meeting. We’ve been doing them every Sunday and it’s so nice seeing my church family. We also joined my brother and sister’s families for a zoom game called Tension. My niece and nephew were the quiz masters and we all had lots of fun.
🧩 Puzzle update - I started the Titanic puzzle on Friday and have managed to complete the sky which was really tricky as each piece mostly looks the same! I had to look very carefully at the tiny stars to see if the piece was right. I will do more later today.
Have a good day
Love from Mrs Lambert