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November 2021

26th November 2021

We have been reading the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and the children have enjoyed using the puppets to re-enact the story. 


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We have also been investigating how to program the bee-bots to make them go forwards,backwards and to turn left and right.  The children have often been surprised by what their instructions actually made the bee-bots do.


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And did you know that you can actually sing a pattern?


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19th November 2021

Last week, the children had a taster session of yoga with Mrs Goodall.  They had an enjoyable time trying out different yoga actions and poses connected to different animals.


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We have continued learning about Autumn and examined different flowers to find out how they produce seeds.  All the children collected seeds from different flowers and we have stored them in preparation for planting and growing next spring. 

We have been mixing primary colours in the last few weeks and this week we used our colour mixing to print Autumn leaf pictures. 

12th November 2021

We continued to think about pumpkins this week and we learnt a new song called pumpkin soup.  At one point in the song, the children had the opportunity of choosing an extra ingredient that could be added to the soup, often with a distinct Halloween theme.  We collected children's ideas, which included spiders, bats, vampires and pumpkins and enjoyed singing the song over and over again changing the magic ingredient each time.  Take a look below.


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On Thursday of this week, it was Remembrance Day and the children have been learning how we remember soldiers who have fought in wars so that we can live in peace.  Together we composed a prayer to bring to our Remembrance service at the church on Thursday, which is written below.

After the service, we took the opportunity to go to Upham Park with our buddies, and used ipads to take photos of different things that showed it was Autumn.  We then walked back to school with our buddies and arrived just in time for lunch.

5th November 2021

Before half-term, we all decided to make a kite after learning the phoneme k.  It was a lot of fun trying to get them to fly.


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The children are enjoying making up stories to accompany picture books and some have told their stories to the class.


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After sharing the book "Pumpkin Soup", we went down to the den building area to explore and make our own pumpkin soup.  The duck, the squirrel and the cat from the story joined us too.


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And everybody joined in to help cut up the pumpkin like the cat from the story to make our own pumpkin soup.  We all then couldn't wait to taste it and there were mixed responses about the taste.
