Happy Friday Class Four!
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed another week of home learning.
I had to go to school yesterday to look after a few key worker children. There weren't very many children in so I was able to spend some more time sorting and cleaning the classroom for when we go back which was good.
It's Friday today, which means that hopefully you will all send me an email with some photos of your work (I've asked for a photo of either your baking or art work this week, but I'm happy to see any extra photos of things you'd like to show me too!) and a message to let me know how you are getting on. How have you found another week of home learning? Are you starting to get into a bit of a routine now? What other fun activities have you done other than school work - have you been getting out for some exercise? Making things? Helping around the house? Learning some new skills? I love receiving emails from you - I miss talking to you each day and hearing about what you have been up to, so looking forward to hearing from you all later!
As it is the Easter holidays starting from tomorrow, I won't be setting any official home learning for the next two weeks. However, I know that you are all stuck at home, so Mrs Soley and I will be putting up a couple of activities or challenges each day throughout the holidays. They are completely optional - you don't have to do them, but they will hopefully be fun and give you something to do each day if you want to.
Have a super day of learning, Love Miss Olver x
Here is a message from Mrs Soley:
Hello class 4,
I cannot believe it is Friday again already. I hope you are all well and enjoying your home learning still. This week has seen some lovely emails and messages from you, I have particularly enjoyed your photos of all your lovely baking. They all look fabulous and I hope you’ve enjoyed eating them. As you know, next week we will be having a bit of a rest with learning as it is officially the Easter holidays. However, we will be setting you some daily challenges if you would like to have a go. There will also be a couple of easy and quick recipes for you to try (if you can get the ingredients). I have hopefully given you a few alternatives if the shopping is tricky. As always, we love to see what you have managed to cook/bake.
During the holidays, I will be continuing to do some decorating and of course, some more baking and cooking. I am hoping to get out in my garden a bit more, weather permitting obviously. I will also be planning some craft activities for you for after the holidays. Please start to collect a cereal box and some cardboard tubes, either toilet or kitchen rolls.
I will continue to read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets during the Easter holidays for those of you who are receiving your daily email from me. During the holidays, I will get out in my garage to have a look through all the boxes of books we have; ready for the next story.
Here is a picture of the bread I made yesterday using plain flour and yeast. It tasted pretty good but was quite sticky to work with.
Enjoy your last day of the week and have a wonderful weekend.
Lots of Love Mrs Soley. X
Today's Learning
As always, I will be starting my day with PE with Joe. It's fancy dress Friday today - I'll put a photo up of my outfit tomorrow. I wonder if any of you will dress up too?!
It's Friday, so it's problem solving day! Today you will be solving some Easter related problems. Remember that you don't have to work through these in order, pick which one you want to start with. Try to spend about an hour on these questions - remember that worded problems need a worded answer! There are a couple questions which involve percentages which we haven't covered in class this year. Year 6 - you might be able to do them as we have talked about them in SATs club. Year 5, you can use the information below to help you if you want to try them, or don't worry and just work through the other problems.
Q8. 60% is the same as six tenths (6/10) or three fifths (3/5)
Q10. 20% is the same as two tenths (2/10) or one fifth (1/5)
Remember to make an entry into your diary/journal at some point today.
Do some independent reading of a book of your choice.
Friday means spelling test day! You can ask a grown up to read out the sentences or you can watch me reading them out on the link below. Remember you can pause it and play it again a few times if you need to.
I hope you liked the picture I gave you on Monday to inspire your silent writing. I thought that today you could create a picture of your own magical, musical world. Pick an instrument of your choice and design a magical world based around it. You could use pencils, pens, paints, pastels, crayons, crafting materials… anything you like to create it. Be as imaginative and creative as you can.
Remember that you can send either a photo of your artwork or your cooking, or both, in your e-mail this week. I look forward to seeing what you have created.
Dave has uploaded another skills video onto the sports home learning page. Work through this at home. Or you can do any other form of exercise you like – I just want you to keep your bodies fit and healthy! You might also want to have a go at his weekly sport challenge too.