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Thursday 9th July

Transition Morning


This morning is transition morning! If you click on the 'News' tab at the top of this page, you will see a 'Transition Day' tab. Click on this and follow the instructions to find the correct page for your child. There are some welcome videos to watch from your new teachers and an activity for you to do.

Have fun!




Reading comprehension - use the phonics knowledge you have to help you with your reading.

Year 1 - choose the level of questions you would like to have a go at.

Year 2 - choose the level you would like to have a go at.



Have a listen to the song Far on the Bring the Noise Play It interactive on the BBC website. See the link below:

Learn the chorus of the song.


If we bring our hearts together then

we can make the world much better

We will learn, together we’ll go far


Colours of the pretty rainbow

Red, gold, green and even indigo

We will learn, together we’ll go far


Try to come up with some actions to go with the lyrics of the chorus.


Have a go at saying this rhythm:

Can you now try and clap this rhythm?


Now try the following. You can say them, clap them or try some of the body percussion sounds we did last week.

If you have any unpitched percussion instruments at home you might like to try this on an instrument but don’t worry if you don’t!


Once you have had lots of time to practise choose one of the rhythms and play along to the verse sections of the track on Bring the Noise, using the Listen and Layer or Feel the Beat.


If you’d like to video you doing this please send your videos to us! Enjoy!
