Good morning Class Four and happy Friday!
I hope the home learning has gone well so far this week for you. Thank you to those of you who have sent in messages and work for me to see already, I love hearing from you and seeing your fantastic learning. I hope to hear from some more of you today.
I will be doing a live Teams meeting today at 11am for those of you learning from home who would like to join in. If you haven't contacted me already, and would like to join in, please send an email to me at:
and then I can send you an invite.
Have a great day, keep working hard.
Love Miss Olver x
Here is a message from Mrs Soley:
Hello Class 4
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday however you decided to spend it.
We agreed that we would get together with our daughter Hannah, her partner James and our grandson Jacob on the big day. We decided that we wanted to spend as much time as possible with them on Christmas Day so we opened a couple of presents that were under our tree on Christmas Eve. We have never done this before, always been patient and waited until the 25th.
We left home quite early and arrived at our daughter’s house with lots of presents. I had been very busy buying gifts online as the shops had been closed for a while. We had a lovely time opening our presents, smiling at them, thanking each other and some gifts even made us cry. One of the presents we bought Jacob was a set of musical instruments: a triangle, claves, finger cymbals along with others which included a glockenspiel. Jacob and grandad played a little duet together, both seemed to enjoy it.
Lunch was huge, as it quite often is at Christmas, and delicious. Hannah and James had done a good job of getting everything prepared and ready. Jacob had a good try at eating his first proper roast Christmas lunch, I’m surprised he didn’t go ‘pop’. We had to leave pudding for a while as we were so full but instead we had a Teams call with our family in Reading. After this, we enjoyed a passionfruit cheesecake that I had made, Jacob had been asleep for a while so he had his when he woke up. He made quick work of it too.
We left before tea time and bath time and perhaps, like most people, didn’t really feel like eating anything else.
January is definitely going to be about eating less and moving more.
See you later for our Teams call.
Best wishes.
Mrs Soley x
Mrs Soley will be planning a cooking lesson for you to do each week. Next week, she will be teaching you how to make guacamole. If you want to have a go at making some, here are the ingredients you will need:
3 or 4 avocados
Cherry tomatoes
½ a red onion
1 green or red chilli
Lime juice
Today I would like you to practise your multiplication skills. Last term, we learnt about two different methods for multiplying: the short method, which we use when multiplying by a 1 digit number, and the long method, which we use when multiplying by a 2 digit number. Again today, you have a choice, if you are not very confident with multiplying or find times tables tricky, then you might want to work on the short method. If you are more confident with multiplying and recalling times tables, then work on the long method.
First, watch the video for the skill you have chosen and then work through the worksheet which matches it. I have attached the answers so you can check your work. Remember to keep workings neat and to line up your columns correctly. If you’re working on long multiplication then don’t forget the magic 0!
If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the multiplication pyramids activity below. In a multiplication pyramid, pairs of numbers are multiplied together to make the number above them. There is an example on the sheet in case you are not sure how they work. You will need to use your multiplication skills to help you work out the missing numbers. I’ve attached the answers so you can check your work.
Today you will be writing your recount about the Christmas holidays. Here are some things you need to remember when writing a recount:
Start by reading through my recount below. Can you spot examples of past tense verbs, first person and time conjunctions?
Now have a go at writing your own recount. Remember to use your plan to help you. You can write your recount by hand or on a computer.
When you have finished writing, check back through carefully. Make sure you have used capital letters, commas and full stops in the right places and use a dictionary to check any spellings you are unsure of. Once you have checked through, please e-mail me your recount so I can have a look at it. If you have written your recount by hand, you could take a photo of it to send to me. If you have written your recount on a computer, save it and attach it to your email. I am really looking forward to seeing your writing and finding out what you have been up to.
We always do PE on Fridays, and whilst Sports Dave has left Upham, we still have his great PE home learning videos to help you with your PE at home. Have a look at his videos and pick one of the skills sessions to work on at home.
Alternatively, you might want to organise some fun sports activities as a family to do instead - perhaps a walk in the countryside, a cycle/scoot somewhere, do some Pilates together or work through one of Joe Wicks workouts. It doesn't matter which sport you choose, what matters is that you keep yourself fit and healthy whilst you're at home.
On Fridays, I normally send out your spelling sentences so you can start learning them ready for the test the following Friday. This will be the same during our home learning period. Here are this week's spelling sentences which Mrs Kimble has written for you. Start learning them now ready for your test next Friday (15th). I wonder if any of you can guess which spelling rule we are going to be working on?!