Hello everyone and welcome back, I hope you had a super time with your family over the Easter break. I was so pleased to see all the exciting things you have been doing from the photos and emails your parents have sent.
As Mrs Sothcott explained, out topic is called Rainforest Explorers. I think you are going to enjoy it, we are going to find out about animals where we live as well as those which live in the rainforest.
Today's question
Have you handed out any kindness certificates over the holiday?
Morning Job
Ask someone to measure you to see how tall you are. I will email you the height you were when I measured you at school before we left. You will be able to see how much you have grown.
Today is phonics work. Yr 1 you just have one sheet to complete. Yr 2 you also have to complete one sheet, but you have a choice as to which one you would like to complete.
Thank you for all of your emails showing you doing lots of super measuring. A little challenge for you:
Measure your foot using a ruler or non-standard units (Lego bricks or something similar). Now measure your arm from your elbow to your wrist. You might need someone to help you with this! What do you notice? Email me your answers (Mrs Sothcott)!
How did you get on with measuring in centimetres yesterday? When we measure longer or taller objects, we use metres.
Click on the link to the White Rose maths page. Click on Summer Term Week 1, Lesson 4: Measuring Length (m). First watch the video, then download the worksheet.
Today you are going to be using non-standard units to measure one of your books from home. Non-standard units are units of measurement that aren't usually used e.g. pencils, rubbers, bricks, paperclips. Click on the sheet below and follow the instructions.
Look at the animals and creatures on this sheet. Can you spot in any your garden, or outside near where you live? You will need to be quiet and still to be able to see them.
Yr 1 - cut out the labels and stick them onto the sheet, telling us where you found the creature.
Yr 2 - write your own labels for each animal ( you can describe the orange insect as a beetle) and where you found it.
Eg, I found a frog hiding in the plants at the edge of the pond in my garden.
Did you see any other creatures which were not on the sheet? Write them down and where you found them.