We have continued to enjoy the outside and tried our hand at target games with balls in a hoop for one of our maths lessons.
The children planted some bulbs outside to provide some Spring colour.
We were really fortunate to have a nurse come and visit and the children were able to ask questions and find out about some medical equipment nurses may use.
We have enjoyed the cold weather this month and enjoyed investigating how water has turned to ice. The water in the bottom of the water tray froze into a large, thick piece of ice, which some of the children then enjoyed painting with purple paint! The children created ice pendants to hang on the trees and also made different shaped ice by using sand moulds. They also enjoyed exploring the thick frost with their senses, making footprints and frost angels!
The children have been introduced to the celebration of Chinese New Year. They have listened to Chinese music and tried to keep in time to the beat with instruments and as a long dragon train. They also helped to cook noodles and the majority enjoyed eating them too!
This term the children have been introduced to hockey and have undertaken different games to develop their hockey skills.