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Monday 4th May 2020

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a happy weekend.

A little bit colder but at least there was hardly any rain. I can't believe that this is now the 7th week where we haven't been in school - it does seem a long time ago since we were in our class at school and I miss us all being together. However, it is lovely that we have our galleries where we can see what each other have been doing and I know that some of you are in touch by face time etc.  On that note, we have a new story written by Emi in the Story Gallery about a fairy so take a look and there are also some new photos in our main gallery showing what you have been getting up to.  I'm off to the supermarket early this morning so I shall say goodbye for now but hope you all have a nice day.

Letters and Sounds

Practise your sounds using the game Grab a Giggling Grapheme.  The link below will lead you to the PhonicsPlay website.  During the lockdown, everything is free if you log in using the user name 'march20' and password 'home' (it's all written on the website).  It's got a great selection of phonic games, the children are familiar with a few that are usually free but not this one.  Just so you know, we are about to start on Phase 4 of the Letters and Sounds programme this week.

Today we are going to think about letters called vowels.  Most words have at least one of five letters in them called vowels, these are the letters a e i o and u.  Click on the link below to see and hear the vowel song.
We can remember the 5 vowels by looking at a poster of an elephant in orange underpants.  You can print one out below to remind you.  You could write an a, e, i, o and u around your elephant if you wanted to.
Vowels can be at the start of words, in the middle of words and at the end of words. There can be just one, or more than one.  Print off the first 4 pages of the owls attached and cut out a few of the owls.  Then place them face down on the table and choose an owl.  Look at the picture on its tummy, say the word, sound out the word and write the word on the back of the owl.  Which vowel does the owl have in it? Underline the vowel and then either print off the vowel trees attached and sit your owl in the correct tree or split a page of your book into vowel sections and stick it in the right section. If you don't have a printer, just choose a picture from the screen and write the word in the correct box on your page.  We are going to do some of these every day this week so just choose 5 today.
Finally, if you started to make your lockdown memory tree last week, take one of your empty shapes and write a sentence about something you have liked about having the lockdown.  If you could draw lines on your shape to write on, that will make it easier.  Try to start with a capital letter and put a full-stop on the end.  Have your sound mat and tricky word mats out when you write.  My sentence would be "I like being with my family more.", I wonder what you have liked.  You can then hang it in your tree.  If you haven't made a tree, just write it in your writing book.
If you'd like to practise some phonics with a teacher, click on the Read Write Inc link below.

Number Time


Watch the Oak Academy Maths lesson 1 - it's all about daily routines.
Now try the day 1 maths activities for the Hungry Catterpillar with a focus on circles.  A link to the Hungry Caterpillar story is below too.

Farm Learning

Watch William Whiskerson visit a dairy farm.  Cows are kept on dairy farms in order to produce milk.  See if you can find out how each cow is milked and where the milk is then kept at the farm?  How does the milk get from the farm to the milk factory?  Talk to your adult about what different food and drinks are made from milk?

You might want to have a go at making butter this week if you can get hold of some whipping cream.  All you need is the whipping cream and a jar with a lid and a strong arm! (or a few strong arms to pass the jar between).  Take a look at the short video below and see if you are up for the challenge.