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Friday 3rd April

Good morning, have you done any baking yet? 

I am going to ask Miss Newton to add a couple of recipes for us to try at home. 

Morning Job - Look at these cute animals, they are all made from finger painting. Have a try yourself. You can copy them or make up your own.

Finger painting animals


Handwriting - you can choose one of the sheets from your learning packs.

Spelling test - 



For Friday maths today I would like you to have a go at another maths activity mat. Click on the year 1 or year 2 mat below. Remember, there are 3 different levels: easy, middle and tricky. You can choose which one you try!

When you finish, you can go on Karate Cats Maths and choose any maths topic you like to play.



PE Dave has designed some more activities for you to do. 

Happy Easter everyone! We made it to the holidayssmiley.


There won't be any 'school work' for you to do in the holidays, but we will put on some activities that you might want to try with your family. 


It has been so lovely to receive your emails and to see how well you have been doing. 

Great team work from everyone, now let's have rest!!! 
