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Friday 5th March

Good morning Class 2!

Good morning



Today we are all learning how to use 2D shapes to make patterns. Watch the video below.

Year 2:


Now complete the below worksheet.

Year 1:


Now complete the below worksheet.

PE 11:00 - 11:30 am


This will be our last PE session online today so let's really enjoy it! Socks, water bottles, scrunched up paper at the ready!



Watch the video below to see Mrs Pilgrim reading out your spelling sentences for today. Remember to pause the video when you need to. If you would like Mrs Pilgrim to mark it for you please send your finished sentence to the Class 2 email. Good luck!

Spelling Sentences

Reading Comprehension
As it was World Book Day yesterday, today you are going to do a reading comprehension all about this special day. Click on the document below. There are three different levels for you to choose from. Read the information carefully, then answer the questions. You can use the marking sheet to mark your own answers.

Mighty Writing

Here is your Mighty Writing for you to think about and plan over the weekend. You will be doing your Mighty Writing in school on Monday 8th!


Today you are allowed to play some games on Phonics Play. Click on the link to the website below. You will need to log in with the following details. Username: jan21 Password: home

You can choose which game you want to play and which phase.


Year 1:

You all know phase 2 letter sounds and phase 3 digraphs. Phase 4 is adjacent consonants and consonant clusters. We are on Phase 5 at the moment and we have learnt lots of the sounds. Go for Phase 5 if you want more of a challenge!


Year 2:

You should choose Phase 5 or challenge yourself with Phase 6.

Celebration Worship 1:30 pm


We're looking forward to seeing lots of you in Celebration Worship today! Well done for another excellent week of home learning!

Spelling Sentences


Here are your spelling sentences to learn for next week. I am looking forward to giving out lots of golden coins in person next Friday!

Story time with Mrs Pilgrim

Story time with Mrs Pilgrim

Cooking with Miss Newton

Dear Class 2,

Today hopefully you may be able to make Uji, an African porridge. I know I found it hard to source ingredients so it may be that you haven't been able too. Even if you can't make it please do watch my video as it will be good for you to know and understand how it is made. 

You will need:

32g Millet Flour

96g Cornmeal Flour

1 tsp Sugar

A pinch of cinnamon 

1 cup of cold water

3 cups of boiling water

 For those who are making the porridge make sure you stir yours a few times whilst it is simmering. I forgot to tell you this in the video.

I hope that you enjoy making it or watching me make it. I found it quite plain and definitely not as sweet as the porridge I am used to.

I very much look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to talking to you all about the things you have been doing. 

Love from 

Miss Newton


Making Uji

15 Minute Countdown Rainbow Timer 🌈

This animated rainbow timer silently counts down to zero, then alerts you that time is up with a pleasant bird song alarm.A perfect timer for a number of use...
