Today you will be carrying out investigations to practise adding or subtracting numbers using the methods we learnt last term.
The tasks are saved below.
Year 3
Can I add two 3 digit numbers?
The instructions for this investigation are on the worksheet. When you add your 3 digit numbers together, I would like you to use the written method we have learnt at school. Try to do several different examples.
Explain what you have noticed.
Year 4
Can I use a written method to subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers?
Use the written method we have learnt in school to carry out the subtraction problems in this investigation saved below.
Try this missing value challenge by clicking on the link below:
Can I use adjectives and expanded noun phrases in a description?
Today you are going to write about your own imaginary planet or alien that you might see on this planet.
Start by drawing a picture of the planet or alien. Try to include interesting detail, think about shapes, colours, size.
Watch and read the information about expanded noun phrases by clicking on the link below:
Make a list of expanded noun phrases that you might include in your description.
Write your description using these ideas.
Open the Powerpoint presentation saved below. Read the information about the British sculptor Carl Warner on the first page. Look at the images of his work on pages 3 to 6. I would like you to choose your favourite picture and think about this is more detail. Answer the questions on Page 2 of the Powerpoint.
Next look at the image of the inside of a red cabbage on page 7. Look at the detail of the shapes and colours in the image. Next look some examples of drawings of the inside or outside of some fruits and vegetables on pages 8 and 9.
Your task is to find an interesting fruit or vegetable. Have a go at doing a careful observational drawing of this. You could do the outside, or cut it in half and draw this.
Use colour if you have pencils or paint at home. Try another drawing, perhaps of one small close up section of the same object.
Times tables
Spend time practising your times tables. You can chant them, write them out, make flash cards or try playing some games on the computer. A good website is saved below: