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Spelling: Can I spell words ending in -ic when adding the suffix ly?


Watch the video below to look at the spelling rule for adding ly to root words ending in ic?

The task is saved below the video clip.


Making Adverbs With Words That End In 'ic'. Spelling Rule Lesson. #adverbs #spellingrules #ally

Can I make a short news bulletin? 

Listen to Chapter 5 The Golden Tickets.

Chapter 5

For your task today, I would like you to reread the News bulletin from the chapter. Then I want you to be the newsreader on the evening news announcing the amazing news that Mr Wonka will be inviting 5 lucky winners of Golden tickets to visit his factory. 

You will need to think about what you are going to say and include all the main facts. Practise a couple of time, then you can present the news report to a friend or member of your family on Facetime or make a video of your news bulletin.

Good luck!

Watch this BBC Newsround clip if you want to learn more about news reports.

Comic Relief: Red noses will be plastic free in 2021 (with Richard Curtis) | Newsround

Funny red noses have been a big part of Comic Relief for many years, but they've gotten a bit of a makeover ahead of next year's event - the noses have been ...
