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Tuesday 21st April

Hello Class 2!

How was your day yesterday? Did you enjoy the measuring activities? I hope you enjoyed the art activity. Don't forget to email me a picture! Did you do Joe Wicks PE? I have just had a look on the Keeping Active section of our website and I've noticed that PE Dave has posted some new activities for you to have a go at. There are some physical and creative tasks.  I will definitely be trying them out with Finley at home!

I hope you have a good day today!

Love from

Mrs Sothcott x


If you have not finished your writing, then finish it. If you have finished,  and are ready to edit and improve your work then, have a look at these ideas. 


Year 1 - Make sure you have at least 3 adjectives (describing words)


Year 2 - Make sure you have used commas in a list 



Year 1:

First watch the PowerPoint below. It will help you understand how to compare and measure the length of objects.

Collect some objects from around the house and garden (about 10). Here are some ideas: pencil, stick, spoon, teddy, shoe, leaf, water bottle.  Choose two of the objects. Which do you think is longer? Can you order all of the objects from shortest to longest?

Now make a measuring stick using Lego bricks or beads threaded onto string. Can you use this to measure each object? Take a photograph of you doing some measuring to email to me.

Year 2

Click on the link below which will take you to the White Rose maths website. Click on Summer 1, Week 1, Lesson 3: Measuring Length (cm). Watch the video, the first part is revision.  Then complete the worksheet.

Design Technology


Later in the term, you will be making your own pop-up information page. Today I would like you to do some research into pop-up mechanisms.  Have a look through your books at home. Do you have any books with moving parts or flaps? Can you see how the mechanisms work? How are they fixed? How do they move?  See how many different kinds you can find. There are also some ideas on YouTube. Remember to ask your grown up before you start looking at videos on YouTube. 
