Today we test our spellings - but in the scramble to get your home learning packs together I didn't keep a copy of the sheets for myself, so I can't put them up here to show you which sheets you need!
But here are the spelling sheets for next week - if you can't find the sheet for this week, you could learn two sentences for next week's test.
On Fridays in maths, we usually take a break from our current maths topic and instead we revise some of the other maths areas that we have covered throughout the year.
Below are two maths ‘activity mats’, one for year 1s and one for year 2s. The children should be able to attempt all of the questions on there. However, it may have been a little while since we learnt about some of the maths topics. Your child might need a bit of support thinking of what strategies to use. Please encourage them to use their maths book to do any written workings necessary. Year 1 children should use practical apparatus (beads, counters or similar) to solve some of the number and calculation problems. Year 2 children should be able to draw pictures or use written strategies to help them.
When you click on the document, there are 3 different mats to choose from. The first is the easiest, the second is medium and the third is the hardest. You or your child can choose which one they want to have a go at! Try and encourage them to challenge themselves! You and your child can use the answer sheets to mark it together.
We have PE with Sports Dave on a Friday afternoon, you could do the same.
Click on the ‘News’ tab at the top of this page, then select ‘Sport and Keeping Active’. Scroll down and click on ‘Videos’. This week Dave has uploaded a ‘football skills’ video for all children to have a go at. Enjoy the sunshine!
Well done everyone you have survived/ enjoyed a week working at home!! Have a lovely weekend. Love from Miss Renno and Mrs Sothcott . xx