Start the lesson with your times tables test. I hope you are doing well with these!
Year 3
Can I add amounts of money?
Watch the White Rose video at Week 3 Lesson 2
The worksheets and answers are saved below. There is an additional challenge question sheet if you would like to do it.
Year 4
Can I Multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number?
Go to White Rose and watch the video Week 3 Lesson 2
The worksheet and answers are saved below. There is an additional challenge worksheet if you would like to do it.
Start the lesson by practising your spelling sentences.
Can I answer questions about a poem?
Reread the Mummy poem that you looked at in yesterday's lesson. Then answer the comprehension questions saved below. There are 3 sets of questions, choose the one you think is a right level of challenge for you, one star is the easier question, 3 stars is the most challenging questions.
Your task this week is to 'mummify' an orange. The things you need are listed below. I am sure you could improvise with some of the material if you don't have everything!
Materials Required
The instructions are on the webpage:
This will be lesson 3 of touch typing.
Go to this website
If you have started at the beginning you need to do Level 1 Stage 3 letters r and u