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Today's Learning

Good morning Class 3

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and got outside to enjoy the lovely sunny weather we are fortunate to have at the moment.  I also hope you are looking forward to your learning at home today. I am up to start work at my normal time this morning, getting ready for my day.

Lots of children (and teachers!)  are planning to start their day by doing the Joe Wicks PE lesson which starts at 9am. I am planning to join in too! You will find the link at



Hopefully, you have organised a good space where you can concentrate on your learning and you have gathered the equipment you will need ready to go. My classroom at home still needs a bit more sorting, it will be one of my jobs later today!



Mental maths - use Numberlink card to practise one of your times tables. Explain to someone at home how the Numberlink board helps you to work out times tables.


I think you will really enjoy watching the videos to help you understand your work in maths as I am sure it will make a change to have a different voice talking to you!

Year 4

   Can I recognise tenths and hundreths?

This work should follow on from the unit we did on fractions a few weeks ago and will help you understand our new learning about decimals later in the week.

 Follow Link:

Watch video and complete as much as you can of the worksheet for Lesson 1

Mark your work using the answer sheet.


Year 3

Can I  recognise tenths?

I hope you remember some of the work we did a few weeks ago on fractions. This lesson and the one you will do tomorrow will lead into new learning about decimal numbers later in the week.

Follow link:

Watch the Video for Lesson 3. Complete as much as you can of the worksheet which goes with Lesson 3.

Mark your work using the answer sheet.


Break time

Make sure you have a break before starting your work in English. Try to run around or do something active and have a healthy snack and a drink too.



Today I would like you to do the second reading test which is in your workpack. It is the Fiction text so it will either be Snowball and Ebony or Peter Rabbit. Remember to read the text carefully first then keep looking back at the story to help you answer the questions. Try to do as much as you can.

Don't worry if some of the questions are a bit tricky or there are some words you can't read. Just give it a go and do your best!

I will put the answers on the website tomorrow so you can mark your work.


If you were absent last week and you have completed the tests I sent home, well done!

You can read and discuss any book you are reading with someone at home. You could also make a list of words and phrases you like which you think you could use in your own writing one day.


After lunch

DT  Can  I evaluate my model?


Look at the photos of the robot heads which are below. They were fantastic! Well done everyone. 

Try to find the pictures of the model you made with your group.


Your task is to evaluate how successful the model was. I know you had very little time to complete this task so I am sure you have lots of ideas how they could have been even better if you had more time.

Think about the following questions:

Were you able to change the colour of the robot's eyes? How well did your design achieve this? How could this part of your model be improved?

Did the circuit you used work? Were the eyes bright enough? What could you change if they were not?

How did you attach the circuit in your box? Did this work well? How could this be improved?

What do you like about the design of your head. If you made it again, what would you change?


If you were absent last week, I know you didn't get a chance to make the robot model but I hope you are impressed with the ones made in a very short time! You can either have a go at the evaluation task by looking at the photographs.

Or instead, if you prefer, you could have a go at making your own robot with a moving part that could change the colour of the robot's eyes like you planned in school with your group.

Robot Model Pictures

After a break please practise your spelling sentences for this week.

Remember the focus is on words with a prefix. We will be doing some spelling activities later this week.


