Good morning Class 2!
Good morning Class 2,
It's Friday! Happy Friday! I hope you all have a lovely day. I've had a lovely few days. It's been so nice to see some of you on our Guided Reading sessions. I hope you've been enjoying them.
This morning we have our live PE session again at 11:00 am so I hope you manage to join in with that. I wonder what we will have to find to help us today! This afternoon Mr Woolley will be doing Celebration Worship so I look forward to seeing you all there. Well done for working hard this week.
Love Mrs Pilgrim
PS I will put the link up for PE with Joe should you need any more PE to do! If not, something for the weekend maybe!
This week we have been learning all about division; we have been learning how to share things equally into groups, using our 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help us. You have all done some wonderful work with this so very well done!
Today we are carrying on with learning about division but we are moving on to grouping. This means that if I have 10 children in a class and I want to put them in groups of 2, I need to work out how many groups of 2 I will have. Watch my video to see me do this.
Once you have watched my video I would like you to have a go at doing some grouping using things from around your house. I have enjoyed seeing what you have used to help you in Maths - I have seen all sorts of things from teddy bears to cutlery to dogs!
Use the division grouping document below.
Year 2: as a challenge please could you draw a picture to go with what you make.
Please don't worry about doing all of the cards. Depending on how you get on you might like to try 4-6 cards. Year 1 I will ask you to carry on with this on Monday to build your confidence so don't worry if you find it a bit tricky at first.
PE 11:00 am - 11:30 am
It's our live PE lesson again today. The link should be in your Parent Mail from a few weeks ago. I hope you've been enjoying the sessions so far.
This morning you will be writing your spelling sentence. Click on the video below to watch Mrs Pilgrim reading out the spelling sentences. Good luck! Let me know how you get on and I will be ready to send you a golden coin!
How did you get on with your reading comprehension last Friday? I would like you to try another one today. Decide which level is right for you: Red, Yellow, Green or Purple. They are all different to last week so you can do the same colour or move onto a different colour. If you did Pink last week, have a go at Red this week. If you did Turquoise last week, try Purple this week.
Here is your Mighty Writing for this week. Click on the Word document to read about your task. There is also a Power Point and a picture prompt resource below.
Celebration Worship at 1:30 pm
It's so lovely to see you all each week during Celebration Worship. I'm looking forward to celebrating some more wonderful learning today.
Today you are allowed to play some games on Phonics Play. Click on the link to the website below. You will need to log in with the following details. Username: jan21 Password: home
You can choose which game you want to play and which phase.
You all know phase 2 letter sounds and phase 3 digraphs. Phase 4 is adjacent consonants and consonant clusters. We are on Phase 5 at the moment and we have learnt lots of the sounds. Go for Phase 5 if you want more of a challenge!
You should choose Phase 5 or challenge yourself with Phase 6.
Today we are going to learn song number 3 from our musical. It is called The Beanstalk Grew.
I hope that you have been practising the first two songs lots and are having lots of fun learning the actions.
This song is a lot slower but is still very lovely. Enjoy!
Cooking with Miss Newton
Hello Everyone,
Today we are going to make rainbow spaghetti. You will need 200g of spaghetti and different food colouring. You will need a few bowls, a bowl for each colour you are planning to make.
Before we get started you will need to cook your pasta or spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet. Once you have cooked this you are ready to begin watching the video.
Please watch below to see how we are going to make our rainbow spaghetti. I hope you enjoy making it and I look forward to seeing your creations.
Love from
Miss Newton
Story time with Mrs Pilgrim
Today Mrs Pilgrim is reading Giraffes Can't Dance as this is one of our favourites in Class 2!
Spelling Sentences
Here are your spelling sentences to learn for next Friday. Good luck!