Practise your times tables flash cards today.
You could do one of the mixed times tables tests which are saved on the website.
Year 4
Can I represent hundredths as decimals?
Go to the White rose website. Please watch Week 2 Lesson 3. Complete the worksheet.
If you have time there are some challenge questions too. They are saved below.
Year 3
Today I have set some investigations involving amounts of money. Do as many as you can. They are saved below.
Today, I would like you to plan a newspaper report for an imaginary event where someone is rescued by a robot. You could write about Emily the rescue robot, a submarine rescue robot,the roller-skating robot or you could invent your own rescue robot.
Think about:
What happened?
When did the event happen?
Who needs rescuing and why?
What is the robot rescue called?
What are the robot's special features that help in the rescue?
Perhaps think about a quote that could be included (something someone says).
You can then put your ideas in the planning sheet below.
R E Home learning
Today we will be looking at the resurrection of Jesus and what it means to Christians.
Watch the powerpoint
Follow the instructions of making a cross using A4 paper. Down the cross list the key events of the resurrection in order from Joseph taking the body → Jesus meeting his friends.
Decorate it using symbols of the Easter Story. Suggestions of symbols: Cross, stone, crown of thorns. You could also use symbols of spring like flowers and new life (baby animals) which represent the new life Christians are promised through believing and following Jesus.
When you have finished you can make Easter cards for your family.
Email your finished work to the Class 3 address and if you address it to Mrs Lambert I can take a look at your fabulous work!