Start by doing the board calculations :
Year 3
Can I answer questions using pictograms ?
Click on the link to watch the video for the lesson which is Week 12 Lesson 3 Pictograms
Your worksheet, answers and an extra challenge are saved in the document below.
Year 4
Can I answer questions using pictograms ?
Click on the link to watch the video for the lesson which is Week 12 Lesson 3 Describe Position
Your worksheet, answers and an extra challenge are saved in the document below.
Start by reading the information about Crosspoints and filling in the grid to get the highest score you can. You can try different ways to beat your score on the blank grids on the second page.
Can I tell a story from the point of view of the prey ?
Find your Storyboard about your Narrow Escape story from the lesson on Monday.
Imagine that you are the prey in the story.
Where were you at the start? What were you doing?
What did you see and feel when the predator attacked?
How did you escape?
How did you feel afterwards?
Remind yourself about Personal Recounts
Read Personal Recount Features saved in the document below.
When you tell your story from the point of view of the prey you are giving a personal recount. Can you spot the features of a recount as you tell your story? Write your story from the point of view of the prey using the story board you made on Monday to help you. Try to include adverbials in your writing that you learnt about in yesterday's lesson. There is a recap about adverbials on the document saved.
Can I make my own artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy?
Read the information about the artist Andy Goldsworthy on the document below.
Then open the Powerpoint presentation and read through the slides to find out more about his work.
The instructions for your task are on the Slides in the Powerpoint.
If you can, take a photograph of your sculpture. I would love to see them!
Times tables
Finish the day by spending some time practising your times tables.