Can I understand the difference between fact and opinion?
Visit the bbc bitesize website by clicking the link below:
Watch the two videos to understand the difference between facts and opinions.
Complete the 3 activities on the website.
Write 3 facts and 3 opinions about insects.
Finish your lesson by practising your spelling sentences ready for your test later today.
In maths today, we will be doing one of the Dip and Pick cards. I have saved 2 different cards.
The blue card involves units of length using decimals so this is only suitable for some of Year 4 as Year 3 don't learn about decimals. Do as many questions as you can in your lesson time.
I would expect all of Year 3 and some of Year 4 to do what you can on the red card. The questions are money problems.
Remember to start with the middle question, then work up in the order on the side of the card. Do as many questions as you can in the time.
The answers are saved on the second page of each document so you can also mark your work and do any corrections if you have them.
Go to the sport and active learning page to watch PE Dave's next video.
Here are the spelling words from last week. Please ask someone to read out your sentences for your test today.
When you have finished, mark your work and practise any words you got wrong.
Spelling sentences 5.6.20 Test 12.6.20
There was an echo after the boat dropped the anchor.
The school choir and orchestra performed the chorus.
Christopher had stomach ache in his chemistry lesson.
Here are your spellings for next week. We will be learning words which are spelt with ch as a sh sound.
Spelling sentences 12.6.20 Test 19.6.20
The chef in the chalet made a cheese quiche.
On Tuesday, we ordered another machine from the brochure.
Fortunately, Charlotte’s parachute opened successfully.