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School Improvement

We are continually reviewing and evaluating everything we do as a school and feedback from staff, parents and children is a vital part of this process. We use the outcomes of this, together with information about new national agendas or initiatives to determine a plan for the next academic year and beyond. This 'Strategic Plan for Improvement' is used to document and plan the specific actions required to achieve improvement. Governors receive regular half-termly updates around progress to this plan and monitor at strategic points to check if the planned improvement has been achieved. Specific actions are planned to improve all aspects of the school: the quality of education, the children's behaviour and attitudes, children's personal development and the quality of leadership and management. Many of these actions are cumulative and relate to a common strand - these key priorities for the academic year 2022/2023 are summarised below:


  • Develop the quality of implementation (teaching) of English and Maths journeys to ensure rapid progress for all, especially those fallen behind/ at risk of not developing basic reading/ numeracy skills and those disadvantaged.
  • Develop understanding of and familiarity with diversity within UK, especially racial diversity; different to white-British majority.
  • Develop leadership roles in monitoring across the curriculum and driving changes and improvements.
These objectives are explored, developed and costed fully in the school 'Strategic Improvement Plan' document.