Good morning Class 3,
How was your weekend? I hope you had a nice relaxing time. Did you get a chance to watch the video the teachers made last week? I hope you enjoyed watching it. We had a lot of fun making the video, especially the staff meeting we spent taking all the photos ! The message at the end was important. We really are all missing all the children who are at home and I know some of you are finding it hard at times. The home learning will not be forever we will all be back in school again soon. We are all looking forward to that time.
Bosun was up to his tricks again. This time, he appeared in the garden with a noisy, young blackbird in his mouth. We managed to get him to drop it and it seemed to be unharmed and most indignant! It made such a lot of noise. We released it in the trees behind our house and the parent birds were there to find it luckily.
It was very windy on the coast yesterday. We visited our boat and had lunch but definitely didn't leave our berth in the marina! Elliot works at a different marina and he said there were a few incidents with boats not managing to moor up easily!