Happy Thursday Class Four! I can't believe you have already completed 3 days of home learning for this half term. I hope you are enjoying the learning you are doing and also making sure you have some breaks and time to do other nice activities.
Yesterday was my day in school for the week. I had a lovely day. My kitchen tap started leaking earlier in the week, so Charly - who does all the jobs in my house - said he could come today because I wouldn't be at home. So I had to take Flash in so he wasn't getting in the way in the house. He spent most of the day in the office with Mrs Bettridge but came outside for a little play and loved it! In the afternoon, I made a nature collage with the children to celebrate World Earth Day. I received a few emails from some of you to show the fun things you had been doing to celebrate this special day and I have put some photos up in a new gallery on our class homepage. I will add to this throughout the week if you have any photos for me to share.
In the evening I did a Zoom Pilates class, it was just what I needed, a few challenging exercises, lots of stretching and then a nice calm relaxation at the end.
I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your learning and the amazing weather!
Love Miss Olver x
It is Thursday, which means it is Learn It day. Again, hopefully you will still have some left in your folder. If not, please email me and let me know which one you need and I can send it across to you. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Once you are finished, if an adult is free, then you could ask them to kindly mark it for you, if not, mark it yourself with a calculator.
Year 5
Today I want you to consolidate your work on decimals from this week and the week before the Easter holidays. I want you to think carefully about which area you would benefit most from practising a bit more.
I would like you to choose one of the following options for today’s session.
Option 1 – ordering decimal numbers. The questions are on Page 1 and 2 and the answers are on Page 3 of this document.
Option 2 – rounding decimal numbers. There are four different options on this document. Pages 1-4 are the worksheets, and they go from easiest to hardest, so you could choose which page you work on. Then the answers are at the end of the document.
Option 3 – changing decimal numbers into their equivalent fractions. The questions are on Page 1 and answers are on Page 2.
Option 4 – If you are feeling a bit more confident with decimals, you could try these decimal problems. Page 1 is the easiest version with answers on Page 2, Page 3 is the middle version with answers on Page 4 or Page 5 is the hardest version with answers on Page 6.
Year 6
Today you will be continuing with your unit on Ratios. Go to the website below (White Rose Maths, Home Learning, Year 6). Choose Week 1, Lesson 4 ‘Calculating Ratio’. Watch the video, then work through the worksheet. I have attached the answer sheet so you can check your work.
If you have time, or would like to try some extension questions, then have a go at the sheet below. This has 2 activities on which are similar to the pink problems we often do in class.
Remember to make an entry into your diary/journal at some point today.
Today we are going to explore our new spelling rule. You will already have seen this a bit when practising your spelling sentences, but hopefully after this session, you will understand a bit more about how the rule works.
First, work through the Powerpoint below. Follow the instructions and then create the spelling pyramids when it says to do so.
Have a go at the ‘fer’ wordsearch activity – can you find all of the ‘fer’ words? The answers are on the same document on Page 2.
Now might be a good time to practise your spelling sentences for today whilst the rule is fresh in your mind.
Today you are going to be finding out about some of the famous Greek gods and goddesses from Greek mythology. These are the gods and goddesses the Ancient Greeks believed in and talked about in their myths (stories).
This afternoon, I would like you to choose three Greek gods or goddesses to research. Then I would like you to either create a poster or a Powerpoint to share your facts.
For each god/goddess, you need to find out the following four facts:
You can share more facts than this if you want – but you need to include these four facts for each god/goddess.
The website below is very easy to use and has lots of great information about the different gods and goddesses. When you open it, it will give you a brief overview of the twelve major gods/goddesses, then you can click on the ones you want to research to find out more about them.
This website also has lots of interesting information about them.
Remember not to copy the information from the websites – try to write the facts in your own words.
Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spelling sentences at some point today.
Do some independent reading of a book of your choice.