The DfE state that:
“Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils’ education recovery in line with the curriculum expectations in the actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak guidance.
While schools can use their funding in a way that suits their cohort and circumstances, they are expected to use this funding for specific activities which will help pupils catch up on missed learning. Schools should particularly focus on disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils as we know they have been most affected.”
At Upham School the use of Catch-Up Funding will be used for all children to better enable acceleration towards the goal of returning to pre-COVID levels of learning though should be prioritised towards vulnerable children, either as determined using national measures (such as eligibility for pupil premium funding, involvement of social care or EHCP in pace) or through use school-specific criteria of relative disadvantage within our school community.
Maintaining positive mindsets for learning, which has always been a priority and key foundation for curriculum intent at Upham is critical. Therefore how ‘Catch-up’ is referred to with parents is critical and terminology around ‘recovery’ will be used. It will also be essential to ensure that where specific supports are provided for children that these are not perceived by children as different, remedial or negative but as part of positive normal teaching