Good morning everyone, what another sunny day we had again yesterday. I stayed at home all day yesterday, but I did manage to do 15 sit ups in 30 seconds, which was more than the day before, and I managed to track down Joe Wicks on YouTube and joined in with the last part of that. Hopefully, tomorrow, I'll complete the whole session. I hope that some of you have had the opportunity to give it a go. I was quite surprised how much I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the Wednesday workout. I also made a tasty banana cake which has gone down well at home, there is now only half of it left! I wonder if any of you have had a chance to cook anything at home.
Work for today
Letters and Sounds
Practise all your letter sounds using the flash cards sent home.
Sing the Jolly Phonics songs for ch, sh and th on the Daily Motion video at Write down the following digraphs ch, sh, th. Tell your adult one word which begins with each sound, have a go at writing each of them.
See if you can remember how to spell like. Can you write it in capital letters too?
Today we are going to think about the digraph ai, which is often in the middle of words. Watch the Words and Pictures clip and then have a go at reading some words along with the Little Learners YouTube video.
Then have a little game of bingo using either ch and sh digraphs or ai and ee digraphs. You can print out the bingo cards if you are using a laptop by clicking on the long green tab at the top right hand corner of the screen which says "get the bingo cards". Just scroll down until you find the sets of words with the digraphs in you are concentrating on and print those cards only. Then just pull the red handle on the on screen fruit machine to scramble a word. Good luck!
Finally, can you write the sentence "The rain is wet but I like it.". See if you can remember to start the first with a capital letter and finish with a full stop.
Number Time
Have a go at lesson 3 of the Egg Hunt maths - making collections. You can collect anything you like, things from inside or outside the house, things to do with spring time or things that you have around the home. Could you take a photo of your collections for your scrap book and jot down anything that you think links a group together.
Creative Time
Watch the short video of the book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen. I expect most of you will have heard this story before and it is this book that your maths reading book "We're Going on an Egg Hunt" was based on. Have a little watch to refresh your memory.

Here are a couple of games that you could play at home based on the story. You'll need to scroll through the different activities to find the ones I am talking about. (If you want to do any of the other things on offer too, then of course you can). One is a board game where you have to be very careful that you count the squares correctly as you move along. Also you need to be very good at taking turns - why don't we let the oldest person go first for this game? If you land on a square with a picture, see how much of the instruction you can read? The other game is hiding the bear behind the caves. Those numbers between 10 and 15 are particularly tricky to recognise so I hope he doesn't keep hiding behind those!!! Don't be scared to set the games up outside and enjoy the sunshine, it's not too windy at the moment but you might need a coat. Happy bear games!