Good morning Class 3,
Thank you for sending me the messages and amazing diary entries on Friday. It is so good to see how hard you are working at home.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Some of you may have been able to go out somewhere new as the rules have changed a bit now, although I do know that some people still have to be extra careful and stay at home.
I feel very fortunate as we were able to go on our boat this weekend. I got everyone up nice and early on Saturday so we could have our breakfast on the boat which is moored in a marina in Portsmouth harbour. From our berth, we can see one of the new aircraft carriers and the Spinnaker tower. When we had checked everything was working properly, we left the harbour to anchor near Lee on Solent for lunch. I loved being back on the water and it was so nice to see other people out enjoying the sea too.
Yesterday we took a trip over to Priory Bay and anchored off the beach. We took our dinghy ashore and had our first beach barbecue of the year. The sea is still very cold so I didn't take a swim!!!
Have a good day today, the weather is looking warm and sunny again!
Love from Mrs Bird
Message from Mrs Lambert
Good sunny morning Class 3! 😎
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I had a really lovely weekend. I went to see two of my very good friends who have had birthdays during lockdown to give them their presents - I drove in my convertible with the roof down as it was sunny ☀️ . We were able to chat in their front gardens - it was So nice to see them! We also FaceTimed our friend in Paris and our Church minister also popped round and we had a cup of tea in our garden.
Yesterday, we all went to the Nee Forest for a lovely walk then went to get fish and chips on the way home. We ate them watching Toy Story 4.
🧩 Puzzle update - It’s HUGE! I have started the 2000 piece puzzle and it took ages just to turn all the pieces over and spread them out! I’ve done the edges and started in the bottom corner. I think this ones going to take a long time.
Have a lovely day!
Love from Mrs Lambert xx