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Monday 13th July 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a really happy weekend.  This is our last week together as Class 1 before the long holidays and then you will return as Class 2 children and have an extra 15 older children in your class!  So let's enjoy this last week together and anything that you do which is particularly fun for you or that you would like to share with me, please do send photos over for me to see - I really do like seeing and hearing about what you have been up to.

Love Mrs Mason

Good morning class 1. 
I just thought you might like to see what visited me yesterday while I was having a barbecue in my garden. It sat on my chair right next to me!

Have a fun day 

love Mrs Miller x

Letters and Sounds

Practise your sounds using your flashcards at home.

Practise writing the letters and n and h on the handwriting sheets (p10).  Remember that both start at the top and go all the way to the bottom and bounce back up.  Be careful to make sure that h is a tall letter with a long stick so that it doesn't look like n.  So start at Nobby's head and go down Nobby and back up over the net and for h, start at the horse's head, go down to his feet and bounce back halfway up and over his back.

Listen to your adult say the following sounds and see if you can write them down.  Some are blends so listen really carefully to hear both sounds and write them in the correct order.

s and sp

l and sl

t and st

n and sn

Now click on the Mrs Pryce powerpoint again and join in reading and writing any words that you haven't done recently, it's up to you if you practise initial blends or final blends.  See if you can write both words when it comes to the dots part of each word.
Now back to the Spot book, I hope it's coming along nicely and you're having fun hiding different animals under different flaps.  Where is Sally going to look today?  At school, she has looked in bushes, up trees, in strawberry patches, in the bath, under the bed, in the toilet, in a box.....  Remember to write the question "Is he...... and see if you can put a question mark at the end.  Don't forget finger spaces!  After making the page, why don't you have a little watch of the Spot cartoon when he goes to school.

Number Time

Watch the Oak Academy Thursday maths video.  Today it is all about the Hungry Caterpillar and how many different pieces of fruit and vegetables he eats - adding amounts by counting on.

This week's book for Number Time is called "How Many Legs".    Listen to the story using the link below.

Now have a go at the day 1 activities.  It is all about grouping animals by the features and saying the rule and also making patterns using common features of different animals.

Balancing Butterfly Science Investigation

Did you notice how many more butterflies there were this weekend?  They were all over the place in our garden and lots of different colours.  And they perch on anything, how do they that?  Have a go at making your own butterfly, you could make it look like one you've seen or make up your own design.  Then using a matchstick and a couple of paperclips, see if you can make a butterfly that can sit and balance on different things just like Mrs Miller's did at the weekend.  Everything you need to tell you how to make your butterfly and instructions on what to do with it is on the link below.  Have fun in the sun.
