Morning Job
What things can you find which are green?
Follow the link to find your daily phonics lesson. Yesterday you learnt the grapheme 'ay'. Today your lesson is a-e. If you feel that your child already knows this sound confidently, then feel free to jump ahead to a different lesson.
Choose one of your books from Bug Club and read it all the way through - answer the questions the 'bug' asks otherwise you won't get the points.
Read for 10 minutes - put a timer or buzzer on and then you won't need to ask how much longer there is to read!
Year 1:
Today's investigation is finding out how much elastic bands will stretch before they snap!
You will need : 2 or 3 elastic bands of different widths or sizes
a small plastic bag
some weights - coins, marbles, Lego or gravel
Attach the small plastic bag to the elastic band. Add the weights one at a time until the elastic band breaks. Count up how many weights you put in the bag. Find out which elastic band was the strongest.
See if can you answer these questions -
Were you surprised at the winner? What do you think made it beat the other bands?
Why do you think elastic bands are made in different strengths and sizes?
What would make the elastic bands stronger?