Hello all!
Yessss! I've just finished the Joe Wickes workout. Loved his Scooby Doo outfit! Wouldn't like to do the workout dressed like that! I'm so hot in my gym wear! His homework task is to design a 'PE with Joe' T-shirt. Why don't you have a go? The winning design will be made to raise money for the NHS.
It's raining today! It's been so long since I have seen rain! Mrs Mason says the plants need it, I guess she is right, but I am missing the sunshine already!
I did lots of practise on the Spanish App yesterday. I have learnt lots of new words and phrases already. I hope I can remember some of them. But practice makes perfect!
We went on a lovely walk through Stoke Park Woods yesterday afternoon. If you've been to some woodland, I am sure you've noticed all the bluebells out. They are so beautiful !
I'll be back on Monday, when we will restart our online lessons. We will be continuing with the White Rose maths and starting our new topic about Ancient Egypt.
Enjoy the weekend,
Love from Mrs Bird xxx
Message from Mrs Lambert
Hi Class 3
I have been out on my bike early today and just got home before the rain started. It’s so strange to see rain! 🌧
We walked our Westies in the fields behind our house yesterday and Max started limping so he had to be carried. He’s 14, so he’s getting quite old now, I think we’ll let him rest today and just take Lily (She’s 10).
🧩 Puzzle update - I got a bit further with the cottage and did the church and some of the trees on the right- I was hoping to get it finished yesterday but I had lots of house jobs to do. Maybe today!
Love from Mrs Lambert xx