Good morning everyone,
It was really nice to meet up with many of you yesterday and to see everyone again face to face. I really enjoyed meeting the dogs of the families and hearing about your toys and bikes. And I was so relieved the zoom actually worked for the majority of us - at least we could all hear and see each other even if a couple of us couldn't talk on this occasion. I think it would be nice if we could have a little zoom each week just to stay in touch and maybe we could play some games, sing some songs and do some activities next time. I shall get my thinking cap on! I'm hoping that below this message will be a video or two of children from school singing the ch and sh Jolly Phonics songs and showing the signs also. If so you will now be able to sound out words with ch and sh using the cued articulation signs also. I'm off to school for the day today via the supermarket to buy some lard as we are going to make our bird feeders today instead of tomorrow as Class 2 has that on their timetable for this afternoon. So must rush. Have a nice day.
Letters and Sounds
Click on the lesson below to practise identifying sounds and reading and writing words with 4 sounds, the fourth sound being an s at the end of the word.
Number Time
As today is going to be all about filling containers with juice or liquid, let's start the lesson with the song "There's a hole in my bucket". Join in as you get to know the pattern of the words.
Today we are going to investigate how much drink is in a cup using the vocabulary full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty. Click on the link below to join in the lesson. Today we are watching Alive In Five, week 3, session 2. You might like to have a teddy bear's picnic to carry out the activity.
Story Time Activities
Today we are looking at the story "Bat Learns to Dance" but this time we are singing and mapping out the story. See how you get on.
Hibernating Homes
Last week we heard the story of "Don't Hog the Hedge" when lots of different animals were all ready to hibernate for the winter. In that story they all settled down together to first hibernate under a hedge and then moved into a cave. However, the story did tell us what their preferred ways and places to hibernate in were (you can check in the story if you can't quite remember). So, get your coats and boots on and head outside and see if you can build some different hibernating homes that different animals would like to hibernate in. Tell your adult what different ways different animals like to hibernate, check in the story if you need to and then off you go. If you are really pleased with any of your hibernation homes, take a photo and send it over and I can share it with the class. Have fun and wrap up!