Good morning Class Four and happy Friday and happy half term!
I can't believe that it will be your half term holiday once you finish your learning today, this half term has gone so quickly!
I had a busy day yesterday, I went for a walk with Mrs Pilgrim and Alice, did lots of glossing, some school work and in the afternoon I picked up a prescription for someone as I had a volunteer request. This time I had to take it to the Bishopstoke Retirement Village which is near the River Itchen. I decided to walk as it was such a nice day and it was about 2 miles each way. I'd not been to the retirement village before, it's a beautiful place and on the way in there were little fairy doors on all the tree trunks, it was very cute!
As it is Friday, I'm hoping I will receive lots of emails from you today! I would like you to send me:
As next week is half term, I won't be setting any home learning or posting so much. I will put up a post on Monday with some ideas of activities you might want to do during the week, but these are completely optional.
Have an amazing half term, get some rest, enjoy the beautiful weather and hopefully you will be feeling refreshed and ready to learn again ready for the Summer 2 term
Love Miss Olver x
Happy Friday everyone,
Hasn’t this week’s weather been gorgeous. I sat outside under my canopy for a little while on Wednesday as it was so hot. Yesterday, I did the same and enjoyed listening to the birds singing. They have certainly become more vocal over the last few weeks and it is nice to have the time to just sit and listen to them.
For those of you who have been receiving the bedtime story email, you will know that we have now finished The Magician’s Nephew. I hope you enjoyed it. I thought I would return to David Walliams and read the other book I bought which is Bad Dad. I’m hoping it will be as funny as Slime and it is also very different to the one we have just finished. If anyone new would like to be added to the email list to receive Bad Dad, just drop an email to Class 4.
I hope you enjoy having a go at the tzatziki, I thought it tasted quite strongly of the Greek yogurt so I added some paprika like the recipe said. We finished off the meatballs with some salad for our lunch yesterday and it was very tasty. I think when you eat the tzatziki with something else it is better but that’s my opinion. I have made something similar – cucumber raita – when I was doing a topic on India at my last school. That has a smoother taste, not so strong. Perhaps crème fraiche might be a good alternative if you don’t like the Greek style yogurt. It’s a good idea to play around with flavours, you might decide you still like something when you change it slightly.
My family are taking part in a virtual quiz tonight via YouTube. We have been doing this for a few weeks now. After the 8pm claps for keyworkers, we head back inside and get ourselves ready for the quiz. It’s always good fun and it stretches your brain a bit too. Each time we have taken part we have donated £10 to the charity being supported. At the start, it was the NHS charities but now it has moved on to an Alzheimer’s charity – still a very worthwhile cause. Over the weeks, we have enjoyed this family time, sometimes it gets a bit rowdy if we can’t agree on an answer but it’s all good fun.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend, it‘s another bank holiday one and then of course it is half term. I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are going.
For now, enjoy your family time and I will catch up again on Monday.
Best wishes.
Mrs Soley xx
It is Friday today which means problem solving day. I have written you another set of Greek themed worded problems for you to solve. They involve a mix of operations, some measures and some fractions today. Read through the questions carefully and think about which method you can use to solve them. Set out your calculations carefully and remember that worded problems need a worded answer!
I have included my workings in the answers, so if you get stuck, have a little look at the methods I have used which might help you.
Remember to make an entry into your diary/journal at some point today.
Mrs Soley has planned another fun cooking activity for you to do today. Enjoy
Sports Dave has put up a new skills video and some more weekly challenges on his page – work through these today. To get to his page, go to the News section of the website and then choose the Sport and Keeping Active Home Learning page.
Spellings and Reading
Today is Friday, which means it is spelling test day! As always you have two choices:
If an adult is free, then you could ask them if they would very kindly mark your sentences for you. If not, then use the document below to mark them yourself. Good luck!
Also remember to do some independent reading of a book of your choice.