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Monday 30th March

Message from Miss Olver and Mrs Soley


Good morning Class Four and welcome to another week of home learning, I hope you have had some rest over the weekend and are ready for your learning again today.

I had a day off from DIY and gardening yesterday and spent quite a lot of time planning activities for you for this week. I also went for a lovely long run up round Stoke Park Woods. Today I'm planning to do lots of unpacking and sorting, so a busy day ahead.

A few things to note:

  • A huge thank you to everyone who has emailed me so far with their silent writing work, rainbows, messages and pictures. I have enjoyed looking at them so much. If you haven't emailed yet, then please send me an email to let me know how you are and with last week's silent writing in, to:
  • Mrs Soley and I have had a lot of trouble uploading the bedtime stories, so instead, Mrs Soley will be sending out each clip via e-mail. If you would like to receive this, then just drop us an email at the class4 address and we will add you to the list.
  • There is a new timetable available on the Class 4 Home Learning page in case you want to see what's planned for the rest of the week. Obviously I will put up detailed instructions each day. This week, I would like you to send me a photo of either your cooking or your art activity (or both if you would like!) by the end of Friday please.
  • Sports Dave has also set us another weekly challenge if you have a look at his page.

Have a lovely Monday, work hard and be kind to everyone around you.

Love Miss Olver x


Happy Monday morning Class 4, Hope you all had a good weekend and are ready for another week of home learning. I have a busy week of decorating planned and tidying my garden. Mr Soley is working from home so I can't make a lot of noise as he has phone and video calls; I'll need to find some quiet things to do as well.

Keep sending your email and messages, they are always lovely to read.

Love from Mrs Soley x

Today's learning


Today I will be starting off my day with PE with Joe as I really enjoyed it every day last week. You might want to join in too. I don't know if you have seen this, but Joe has decided to donate all the money he makes through his YouTube channel doing the PE with Joe activities to the NHS. What a kind and lovely thing to do. So just think - if you are joining in at home, then you are helping him to donate even more to the NHS who really need it at this time. smiley


Today you will be learning about decimals up to 2 places. Visit the website below and choose 'Home Learning', 'Year 5', 'Week 1', 'Lesson 1'.

Watch the video and then when it says, do the questions it asks for on the worksheet. You can open up the worksheets straight from the website, or I have attached them as documents below. After you have watched the whole video and completed the full worksheet, check your answers using the answer sheet. Don't worry if you don't have a printer at home and can't print the worksheet off, just have it on the screen and write the answers into your Maths book.

You can see from the Website that the lesson is aimed at Year 5, but Year 6 this will be good revision for you too as we haven't done much work on decimals yet this year (as you know, that was our next topic!).

If you have time, or want to do some more work on this, then you will find a challenge sheet below. This has come from one of my Year 6 Maths books so is harder.


Remember to complete your diary/journal entry at some point today.

Today I would like you to plan your silent writing, ready to do your writing task tomorrow. Have a look at the document below for the instructions for the task.

Decide which genre you would like to write, then complete the planning sheet below which matches your chosen genre.


This afternoon you will be doing a French lesson which Miss Kimber has planned and resourced for you. You will find all the instructions (and a message from her) in the document below. Enjoy!

le biniou

le trombone

Spellings and Reading

Start practising this week's spelling sentence ready for your test on Friday (see the document below). Mrs Kimble has very kindly written this week's sentences for me. Then do some independent reading of a book of your choice.
