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Tuesday April 28th


Tuesday is times tables test day. Print out the test you are on from the useful resources section. Good luck! 


Year 3

Can I add fractions?

Go to the White Rose Page and watch the video for Summer Week 2 Lesson 1 Add fractions

The worksheet is saved below. Remember, as every lesson, do what you can! 

There is an additional challenge question sheet if you would like to do these.

Year 4

Can I order decimals?

Click on the weblink below and watch the video for Summer Week 1 Lesson 4 Order decimals.


The worksheets are saved below. Please remember Year 4, that all this work on decimals is new. So if it is tricky, that's okay. Do what you can.

There is also a challenge sheet if you are feeling confident.


Can I spell words with the suffix ous?

Read the Powerpoint below. The words you will be learning today all have root words which do not change when the suffix ous is added. 

Play the game ten strikes and you are out. You can write your answers in your book.


Can I answer questions about a non-fiction text?

Reread the fact page about the River that you looked at yesterday. There are question sheets saved below. 

Choose which level to do- one star is the easiest questions, three stars are the harder ones.

Remember to write your answers in full sentences.

When you have finished, you can mark your work using the answer sheets. If you make a mistake, try to correct it.


Can I explain the importance of the River Nile in Ancient Egyptian times?


Start by watching the BBC bitesize clip about Farming in Ancient Egypt by clicking on the link below:


Next read through the Powerpoint about the importance of the River Nile below.


When you have done this, write all the reasons why the River Nile was importance to the ancient Egyptian people on the worksheet saved.




Time for your second lesson to practise your keyboard skills.

Go to the link below. If you are a beginner do Level 1 Lesson 2 letters e and i

You can do more advanced levels if you already have some typing skills using the correct fingers.
