Good morning everyone,
It's nearing the end of another week and it looks like the sunny weather is here to stay for today at least.
Yesterday was so hot in school. Mr Woolley was very kind and treated all the teachers to an ice-cream !
After school, I left nice and promptly as Mr Bird had the day off work. We all went down to our boat for a sunny evening on the water. My Mum and Dad were on their boat too which is in the same marina as ours so it was lovely to see them too.
It felt like an extra treat on a work day!
Hopefully we will have some more nice weather over the weekend!
Have a good day today, Friday maths is a bit different today - it is time problems about the Upham bus timetable! If you get time try to write some of your own about a local timetable and email to a friend to solve.
Love from Mrs Bird xx