Good morning everybody, what a cold few days we have had over the weekend. However, I understand the weather is about to get a little warmer over the next few days. Thank you to all those children who have got in touch and shared some of the things they have been doing last week. I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to and how you are getting on. There are lots more pictures in the gallery now so please do take a look and see who and what you can spot. It would be great if everyone could have a picture in there by the end of the week. The children in school really enjoyed the thrill and anticipation of making the ice pendants on Thursday and when it came to getting the pendants out of their containers on Friday morning, we found that they were stuck fast. We had to do a little thinking and decided that they needed to come indoors for a short spell in order that they could melt a little and then be released from the moulds. This worked a treat and we took great delight in holding them up to the light to see them sparkle and then we placed them on a berry bush to hang which looked really wintery. The pendants were still hanging there when we all went home in the afternoon so it showed just how cold it had been throughout the entire day. I wonder if they are still there now? If you didn't get a chance to make them this week, do have a go the next time the weather gets freezing cold, it really will make you gasp and smile if you haven't done it before.
Joe Wicks is carrying out his PE with Joe sessions again during lockdown. This time he is doing them at 9.00 am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - always a lot of fun, good to do as a family and will definitely stretch you in places you didn't realise you had. There's a link below if you would like to give it a try.
Mrs Dawson has made a video for you to watch of her reading a story. So when you are feeling a little weary, settle down and put Mrs Dawson on - she is reading a book called "Oi Frog" and she looks particularly cosy with her dog next to the fire.
Have a lovely day everyone.
Letters and Sounds
Practise your sounds by playing the game Flash Card Speed Trials on the PhonicsPlay Website. The games on this website are free during lockdown. The user name is 'jan21' and the password is 'home'. Click on Resources and then click on the Flash Card Speed Trials game. Then press the red start button which will bring up a choice of sounds for you to practise. Have a go with the Phase 2 sounds and see how they go. Make a note of the ones they need to practise and you can concentrate on these sounds another time by clicking on the individual grapheme button. If these are all OK, they try the more recent ones in Phase 3. Have fun.
Number Time
Let's start with singing a number song. Click on the link below to sing One Elephant came out to play.
Watch the White Rose Maths video below. Today you are going to explore how two amounts can be counted and combined to make a total using frogs and a pond with the lady and then later with your own toys. You will also see how the different amounts can be represented on a five frame and with numerals. I have put some five frames and numerals you can use below and also in the Maths Helpful Resources. We are watching Alive In 5, Week 2, session 1.
Hampshire School Games Daily Challenge
The Hampshire School Games Organisers for Hampshire are setting daily physical challenges for schools during lockdown. These activities are designed to get children moving while having fun. There is a warm up to do which is a snakes and ladders game with lots of fitness challenges throughout the game if you like the look of that and then the quick physical challenge activity follows after. Go on, give it a go at any time in the day.
Story with Mrs Dawson
Click on the link below to see and hear a story read by Mrs Dawson - it's call "Oi, Frog". See if you can spot any words that rhyme.