Here is your challenge for the day:
Today, I would like you to start by doing your Learn It challenge. Give yourself 2-3 minutes to complete it. I have emailed these out to those of you learning from home. Those of you learning in school should have one in your tray. If you haven't got yours, just send me an email and I'll send it across. Let me know how you get on so I can update it on my tracker and send you a new one if you pass ready for next week. Good luck!
Today, you are going to be practising using the long method to divide by teen numbers. There are three options today.
If you are not very confident, try the first sheet, where you will be dividing by 11, 12 and 13.
If you are feeling ok, try the second sheet, where you will be dividing by 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
If you are feeling confident, try the third sheet where you will be dividing by all teen numbers.
Work through each calculation carefully and remember word problems need a word answer!
I've attached my workings and answers so you can check your work.
Today you are going to write your newspaper report about what it's like learning in Lockdown 3.0. Look back through your plan from yesterday and make sure you read the reminders at the top about the key features of newspaper reports.
I've included the example ones again today in case you want to have a look at some of the ones your friends have written.
If you want to write your newspaper report on Word, then you can:
-Choose 'Insert' and then 'Header' to create a space at the top to write your title so it is separate from the rest of the document.
-Choose 'Layout' and then 'Columns' and then 'Two' and your writing will automatically be put into columns like a real newspaper.
Or you can, of course, write it by hand.
Remember to check through your work carefully and then send it to me once you are happy it is finished.
I look forward to reading them.
Today, you are going to be learning about Mayan beliefs and the Gods they worshipped. In our first topic session, lots of you shared facts you had already found out about this:
Benjamin found out that the Mayans worshipped 165 Gods.
Ivy found out that their religion was polytheistic - which means they believed in lots of Gods.
Logan found out that their religion was also composed of animism - where they believed that animals and plants had souls.
Charlotte found out that the maize God was called Hunahpu (or sometimes Hun-Hunahpu).
Start by working through the BBC Bitesize Page below - there are some things to read, a video to watch and a matching activity.
Today, I would like you to carry out some research into one specific God. You are going to become an 'expert' on this God.
If you're in Year 5 and your first name starts with A-K, please can you find out about Hun-Hunahpu (The Maize God)
If you're in Year 5 and your first name starts with L-Z, please can you find out about Chac (The Rain God)
If you're in Year 6 and your first name starts with A-H, please can you find out about Itzamma (The Creator God)
If you're in Year 6 and your first name starts with I-Z, please can you find out about Kinich Ahau (The Sun God)
Mrs Soley and I will be finding out about Kukulcan (The Supreme God)
You could find out:
-What your God is the God of, does he have any special powers?
-What does his name mean?
-Is he in any famous Mayan myths? If so, what happened?
-Why is he important to the Mayan people?
-What does he do?
You will need to write down the facts you find out as you will need these in your topic session on Thursday, they can just be recorded as rough notes today. You can gather some notes from the Powerpoint and you could also look at the links below as well as carrying out your own research.
2.45pm Story Time Live
At 2.45pm, you can join our Google Classroom session online. Today, Mrs Soley is going to read you another one of her 'Custard Castle' stories, this one is called 'The Other Ghost'.
After you have listened to the story, she would like you to write a short diary entry - you could be a character from the story who has seen a ghost or imagine that you have seen a ghost yourself and write about what it was like. Remember that diary entries are written in the first person (I, me, we...) and share how the character feels about an event. You can email in your work for her to see.