This is one to get your hearts pumping and feet moving, you'll be working on speed and agility today.
Today, I would like you to start by completing your Beat That challenge. If you're working from home, then you should have received this in an email. If you're working in school, then you will need to get yours from your tray. If you haven't received one, please send me an email and I can send it to you. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Let me know you get on so I can update my tracker and send you a new one if you've passed ready for next week. Good luck!
For our Maths lesson today, you are going to be learning about Mayan numbers. First, read through the Powerpoint below to find out about their number system.
*I've also attached it as a PDF document as I know some of you have had trouble opening Powerpoints at home.*
Today is Thursday which means it is SPAG challenge day. First, read the message from Mrs Kimble. Next, read through the help sheet and then complete the challenge. Remember to send me any work you complete so I can send it over to Mrs Kimble for marking.
Yesterday, in your Art/DT session, you started learning about Mayan buildings and the ruins which are left today. In today's topic session, you are going to be learning about one of the most famous Mayan pyramids called El Castillo which is in Chichen Itza in Mexico.
First, read through the information below about this pyramid (it should have been a Powerpoint but was too big to upload!).
As you have seen, it's an amazing place with lots of fascinating history to see. I would love to visit one day and see these things for myself.
For your activity today, I would like you to create either a poster or leaflet to persuade someone to visit this site. Remember that the purpose of a poster/leaflet is to make the reader want to go and visit, so think about the words you use and the way you share your facts so that you encourage your reader to go. Also try to include as many true facts as you can about the site in your poster/leaflet - use the facts from the document to help you.
2.45pm Reading Live on Google Classroom
Today, Mrs Soley is going to read you a Mayan myth live on Google Classroom.
Before you join the link, she would like you to see if you can find out the meaning of these words:
These words are in the story so it will be helpful if you know what they mean before she starts. If you don't have time, then don't worry, join the link anyway as she will be asking people to explain them and will check everyone understands as she goes through!