Good morning Class 3
Another beautiful morning! Make the most of today as I think there might be the chance of a few rain showers tomorrow!
This morning, Mrs Miller and I cycled into school together. It was really nice to chat and giggle together on the way in! Two ladies we didn't know shouted encouragement as we cycled up the 'hill near Durley church - I hope that wasn't because we looked like we were struggling!!
I had a surprise when I came into the classroom just now. There was a black and white cat walking through into the quiet area. When he saw me, he rushed out and into the staffroom! I got a photo of him coming out of there! A very cheeky cat!
As you know, I am back in school full time now. In our classroom I have the key worker children. It is not at all like 'normal' especially as it is so quiet without you all here!
Since you have been learning at home, I have really enjoyed receiving your messages. I am still keen to hear from you but might not be able to reply quite as quickly as I did before. To help me keep up with the emails, instead of sending me a set piece of written work on Friday, please could you choose one (or more) pieces of work to send in each week. This can be sent on any day of the week and I don't mind which subject, it could be maths, art, topic, English or anything else you are proud of.
I look forward to hearing from you
Have a good day
Love from Mrs Bird xx